I read through E Codd's paper, a bit of a Math nerd then  hehe, I probably couldn't read through it now though, too many brain cells burnt out by my CRT.   Of course not much about techniques or efficient query writing there! 
All the pleasure of theory, none of the guilt of practise.

on the book subject...Forta's got a good book on CF Cert study.


On 6/19/06, Dean H. Saxe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I had the next best thing.  My first boss cut his teeth in the early years of relational DBs with his own consulting company.  He taught me most of what I needed to know about DB design, normalization, writing efficient queries, etc.

I'm still shocked that most CS grads have so little DB experience and often no formal training even in something like SQL.


Dean H. Saxe, CISSP, CEH


"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." 

    -- George Orwell, 1945

Find out about my Hike for Discovery at www.fullfrontalnerdity.com/hfd

On Jun 19, 2006, at 9:46 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sure it isn't an all encompassing book. I think it works well as a place to start for programmers who have probably never taken database design in college or elswhere, which is probably the majority of CF programmers. It will help them to avoid some of the common mistakes that new programmers tend to make, like making a database that is more akin to a spreadsheet.

I'm kind of curious. How many of you have taken a formalized course on database design in either college or other technical training?

Shawn Gorrell
Web Development Applications Architect
Federal Reserve Bank - Atlanta
Office (404)  498-8449

"Jeremy Allen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

06/19/2006 09:34 AM

Please respond to


Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Learning Cold Fusion

I don't particularly care for that book as the author goes on tangents that didn't seem to belong in a  database design book. The author also seems to go to great pains to avoid discussing normalization and the normal forms by their proper names (though the content is buried in there). This was in the 97 version, perhaps it was updated.I am not trying to be picky or anything it is just that I happen to have read that particular title and it could have been a lot better with a maybe one chapter on some more advanced topics referenced by their proper names. That said that book combined with SQL for Smarties (Celko) do make a pretty good pair.



A good book for learning about normalization (in plain English) is Database Design for Mere Mortals.

Shawn Gorrell
Web Development Applications Architect
Federal Reserve Bank - Atlanta
Office (404)  498-8449

"Jeremy Allen" < [EMAIL PROTECTED] >

Sent by:

06/18/2006 12:49 AM

Please respond to


Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Learning Cold Fusion

SQL In 10 Minutes seems like a fine book for learning the basics of SQL Syntax. What I don't see is a good grounding in Normalization and database design. The Learn SQL in 10 minutes book focuses on SQL Syntax and SQL Queries.  That is good... you DO need to know all of that and I suppose a structured approach to learning the syntax and basics is required. I also willingly admit that the Celko book is pretty out there in terms of skill level for a lot of the topics covered. You will save yourself a LOT of pain by understanding proper database design and normalization early on. Its not a difficult thing to get a handle on. If your average developer just knew 1NF, 2NF and 3NF better database designs on the whole would be a lot better. You can probably find enough on the normal forms just by searching the Internet.  Once again Wikipedia is a good start
. I only bring it up because it is quite often overlooked and it is a critical piece in my mind. Enough on that.

Come to the ACFUG meetings as often as you can and get to know people. Look at all of the open source code out there in CF. There is not a ton of open source CF code but there is enough. Get to know the community, you won't find a much better development community than the CF community. When I started with ColdFusion years ago these lists were the best resources out there for learning things and tackling tough and relatively esoteric problems and they still are today. Chances are whatever problem you are having has been solved many times over and you need but ask. You may ask a question that 100 other people have asked and those of us that have seen the question may groan at it and start thinking, "Jeez" RTFM, however, you will find your question is still answered even if it is a link to ColdFusion documentation pointing out that oh so "obvious" function or tag that solves your problem (that is my way of saying "there aren't usually stupid questions only stupid answers").

And if I didn't impress this upon you well enough in my first post: start writing code! It doesn't have to be perfect. Once you start writing code you can start breaking things and we will have more concrete advice to give you ;-)

Good night all.. sleep awaits.



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