I ran into something interesting and wondered if anyone had any insight on
it. I have noticed that variables set in application.cfm, in this case in
the request scope, do not work when pages are in an iFrame.

For example (request variables are set in application.cfm):

<CFQUERY datasource="#request.dsnName#" username="#request.dsnUser#"
password="#request.dsnPass#"  name="tracks">
        datestamp DESC

This query runs fine on its own and the datasource, user, pass are set up in
the application.cfm file. However, if I use this same query on a page that
calls the page it is in from an iFrame as in: <iframe src="mypage.cfm"
width="133" height="320" scrolling="Auto" frameborder="0"></iframe>, it
won't run and throws an error:

[Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]SELECT permission denied on
object 'myTable', database 'myDataBase', owner 'dbo'.

When I hard code the datasource, username, password into the cfquery tag
instead of using the variables set in application.cfm, it then runs fine in
the iFrame tag. This is a band aid I guess but it would be nice to
understand why it is really happening.

Anyone have any insight?


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