I want to make sure I'm understanding this right - according to wikipedia,
you should URL encode cflocation values when they come from variables?
More specifically, a variable like cgi.HTTP_HOST? It's odd to me that
ColdFusion doesn't automatically verify something like that first.  From
the article, it sounds like PHP already does some validation.

> This code is insecure and subject to HTTP Response Splitting.  You
> need to validate the various CGI variables before responding with a
> 302 redirect.  Or, preferably, you use DNS to resolve both URLs to the
> same server.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_response_splitting
> -dhs
> Dean H. Saxe, CISSP, CEH
> "Dissent is the purest form of patriotism."
>      --Thomas Jefferson
> On Apr 25, 2008, at 9:53 AM, Ajas Mohammed wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a client who has url say www.xyz.com. They want a new url
>> www.abc.com
>>  so that when user enters www.xyz.com, the user should see
>> www.abc.com in his address bar of browser. Basically an alias/
>> redirection with address bar showing the new url. I could have done
>> redirection by dns names/url redirection at website level but
>> problem is I have a subfolder application i.e. www.xyz.com/subapp.
>> Now if I do dns/url redirection, and user tries to access subfolder
>> application with this url, www.xyz.com/subapp/home.cfm, it takes the
>> user automatically to www.abc.com/home.cfm i.e. the main application
>> without the subfolder application, and I dont want that. It should
>> take user to www.abc.com/subfolder/home.cfm.
>> So to avoid this redirection at the website level, I added this code
>> in Application.cfm
>> Code:
>> <!-- Relocate if not a secure connection -->
>> <cfif cgi.SERVER_PORT is "80" and CGI.SERVER_PORT_SECURE is "0">
>>      <!---replace xyz with abc --->
>> <cfset x = "https://
>> #Replace(cgi.HTTP_HOST,"xyz","abc")##cgi.PATH_INFO#">
>>      <cfif cgi.query_string is "">
>>              <cfset y = "">
>>      <cfelse>
>>              <cfset y = "?#cgi.query_string#">
>>      </cfif>
>>      <cflocation url="#x##y#"><cfabort>
>> <cfelseif cgi.HTTP_HOST contains "xyz">
>>      <!---replace xyz with abc--->
>> <cfset x = "https://
>> #Replace(cgi.HTTP_HOST,"xyz","abc")##cgi.PATH_INFO#">
>>      <cfif cgi.query_string is "">
>>              <cfset y = "">
>>      <cfelse>
>>              <cfset y = "?#cgi.query_string#">
>>      </cfif>
>>      <cflocation url="#x##y#"><cfabort>
>> </cfif>
>> My question to you guys is that
>> 1. is this a good practice ?
>> 2. do you see any security issues?
>> 3. any performance issues?
>> 4. does it ring any bells?
>> 5. anything obvious iam missing here or do you have a better solution?
>> Thanks,
>> --
>> <Ajas Mohammed />
>> http://ajashadi.blogspot.com
>> No matter what, find a way. Because thats what winners do.
>> You can't improve what you don't measure.
>> Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high
>> intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful
>> execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.
>> "Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live
>> forever."
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