So I've finally figured out that yes I had SQL Express just like I thought I
did. However, I also had an eval version of SQL 2005. In the services
manager that version reads MSSQL and the express version reads SQL Server so
I was just looking in the wrong place.
The interested and frustrating problem seems to be that neither CF nor SQL
Express will start automatically even through they are set up to do so. With
each restart, I must manually start up both services before I can start
working. Sometimes the services take a couple of minutes to start. I'm also
running Mcafee so each restart is taking a long time. I would guess that I
am down about 20 minutes everytime I need to restart my PC. So these are the
next things I am going to try and tackle. Advise always appreciated.
Thanks again to all those who responded during my panic attack. This whole
thing made me decide to go ahead and proceed to start acquiring back up gear
so I can work in these remote locations without fear of hardware failure.
P.S. Some great surf photos I recently took on one of my sites
( I just acquired a 3mb internet service in my
apartment for the surf season so things are looking better. Hope to make it
back to Atlanta later this year and maybe actually attend a meeting. It has
been a long time.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dusty Hale
Sent: 06/11/2008 11:56 AM
Subject: RE: [ACFUG Discuss] OT: problem with IIS on XP Pro.

I will definitely try that and let you know if it works. It will likely be a
day or two before I get around to it. Can't thank you enough for the


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Charlie Arehart
Sent: 06/11/2008 11:47 AM
Subject: RE: [ACFUG Discuss] OT: problem with IIS on XP Pro.

Well, if you install Express on the same machine that had the eval, the new
Express edition could read the SQL Server files (MDF, LDF) that were created
there. No need to import/export. You'd just create the DB new in Express but
point it at the existing files. I'm pretty sure that would work. Anyone know
for sure? 




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dusty Hale
Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2008 11:04 AM
Subject: RE: [ACFUG Discuss] OT: problem with IIS on XP Pro.


I found a work around for now by creating a copy of the live database on my
VPS server at HostMySite. Not a great way to develop but will get me by for
now. I think you're right the best thing would be to just install express. I
just wonder how I ended up installing the eval in the first place LOL. 


My only thought was that if I purchased a license and applied it to the
eval, then I could revive the database. If I install express, I don't think
it has any kind of import export abilities so I wasn't yet sure how I would
pull down the data from the live database. I have a license for Red Gate so
I will likely install that and use it to synch the data.


Thanks everyone for listening to my desperate pleas for help. I suppose it
could be much worse LOL.




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