Dropping to the original format in Gmail, then using a base64 decoder I get:

> I’m having trouble referencing a particular XML element. Here’s hoping
> the list will help me stop banging my head against the wall. The wall
> doesn’t look good in red and some stains don’t come out so easily ….

I’m having two issues with my XML file (snippet of the XML file as
generated by the R25 webservice included below).

1) the file I see when I download the file and save it as a text file is not
the same thing as what I see when I reference the webservice in Firefox
(which gives me that handy XML view).

2) and the real issue, is that I need to determine if, for each event, the
custom attribute name “Audience: Alumni/Friends� exists, and if so, if
the value is set to “Yes�. There are actually 6 custom attributes that
are sometimes there, sometimes not (Audience: Athletics, Audience: Current
Students, etc).

To reference the event_name, I would use the following code:

<CFSET tempTitle = XmlParse(mydoc.events.event[i].event_name)>

<CFSET tempTitle = HTMLSafe(tempTitle.XmlRoot.xmlText)>

That works.

To reference the custom attribute that is sometimes there, sometimes not, I
use the following code:

<cfset customSize =

<cfloop from="1" to="#customSize#" index="k">

<!--- loop over the number of custom attribute fields to find all the
audiences --->

<cfset aVal = mydoc.events.event[i].custom_attribute[k].attribute_value>

<CFSET thisInfo = XmlParse(aVal)>

<CFSET Node_Root = thisInfo.XmlRoot>

<cfif Node_Root.xmltext is "Yes">

<cfset xmlAudience =

<cfset category = trim(RemoveChars(xmlAudience.XmlRoot.xmltext,1,10))>

<cfif category is "Put On Web">

<cfset xmlPutCal =

<CFSET xmlPutCal = HTMLSafe(xmlPutCal.XmlRoot.xmlText)>

<br />xmlPutCal:#xmlPutCal#/<br />

<cfelseif category is "Faculty/Staff">

<cfset myTempCatList = listAppend(myTempCatList,"r25_fas")>

<cfelseif category is "Parents/Family">

<cfset myTempCatList = listAppend(myTempCatList,"r25_pf")>

<cfelseif category is "Alumni/Friends">

<cfset myTempCatList = listAppend(myTempCatList,"r25_af")>

<cfelseif category is "Current Students">

<cfset myTempCatList = listAppend(myTempCatList,"r25_cs")>

<cfelseif category is "Athletics">

<cfset myTempCatList = listAppend(myTempCatList,"r25_ath")>


<cfset myTempCatList = listAppend(myTempCatList,"r25_tbc")>




The above code USED to work. Now, however, it chokes at the findOccurrences
and says custom_attribute doesn’t exist. I know the provider of the web
service changed the query. However, when I pull the file via FireFox, the
info is there.

Any help would be welcome! (Anyone out there on 4:30 on a Friday?)

Here is a snippet of an XML file as generated by R25 web service (as viewed
in Firefox):

<r25:events pubdate="2009-02-13T15:55:15-05:00">

<r25:event id="CBJDMjc1NTc4" crc="00000022" status="est">

<r25:event_name>5K Run</r25:event_name>





<r25:profile id="CCJDMzk4MDMxCBJDMjc1NTc4" crc="00000022" status="est">


<r25:profile_description>From 05:30 PM to 07:00 PM on Mon



<r25:reservation xl:href="reservation.xml?rsrv_id=2621824"
id="CRJDMjYyMTgyNA==" crc="00000022" status="est">










<r25:space_reservation id="BiJDMTcxMAkSQzI2MjE4MjQ=" crc="00000021"


<r25:space id="BhJDMTcxMA==" crc="00000023" status="est">

<r25:space_name>OXFORD CAMPUS</r25:space_name>

<r25:formal_name>Oxford Campus</r25:formal_name>


<r25:partition_name>Oxford Campus</r25:partition_name>





<r25:custom_attribute id="CBJDMjc1NTc4BSJDMTEy" crc="00000021" status="new">


<r25:attribute_name>Audience: Alumni/Friends</r25:attribute_name>





<r25:custom_attribute id="CBJDMjc1NTc4BSJDMTEz" crc="00000021" status="new">


<r25:attribute_name>Audience: Athletics</r25:attribute_name>





<r25:custom_attribute id="CBJDMjc1NTc4BSJDMTE0" crc="00000021" status="new">


<r25:attribute_name>Audience: Current Students</r25:attribute_name>





Please direct ALL IT questions to the AskIT form found at:

Seth Tepfer 770-784-8487 seth.tep...@emory.edu<mailto:seth.tep...@emory.edu>

Director of Administrative Computing, Oxford College


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On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 5:20 PM, Darin Kohles <urdtr...@gmail.com> wrote:

Blank on this end as well
> On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 4:58 PM, Tepfer, Seth <la...@emory.edu> wrote:
> --
> Darin Kohles
> RIA Developer


Howard Fore, howard.f...@hofo.com

"The universe tends toward maximum irony. Don't push it." - Jeff Atwood

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