Can you email the *full* xml file? I can give it a shot if you still didnt
find a solution.

<Ajas Mohammed />
We cannot become what we need to be, remaining what we are.
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Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention,
sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents
the wise choice of many alternatives.

On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 1:39 PM, Tepfer, Seth <> wrote:

> Take 3:
> If this is not the best place to ask such a question, please direct me (off
> list) to the best place to post.
> Thanks
> I'm having trouble referencing a particular XML element. I'm having two
> issues with my XML file (snippet of the XML file as generated by the R25
> webservice included below).
> 1)      the file I see when I download the file and save it as a text file
> is not the same thing as what I see when I reference the webservice in
> Firefox (which gives me that handy XML view).
> 2)      and the real issue, is that I need to determine if, for each event,
> the custom attribute name "Audience: Alumni/Friends" exists, and if so, if
> the value is set to "Yes". There are actually 6 custom attributes that are
> sometimes there, sometimes not (Audience:  Athletics, Audience: Current
> Students, etc).
> To reference the event_name, I would use the following code:
>            <CFSET tempTitle = XmlParse([i].event_name)>
>            <CFSET tempTitle = HTMLSafe(tempTitle.XmlRoot.xmlText)>
> That works.
> To reference the custom attribute that is sometimes there, sometimes not, I
> use the following code:
>                  <cfset customSize =
> findOccurrences(XmlParse([i]),"Custom_Attribute")/2>
>                  <cfloop from="1" to="#customSize#" index="k">
>                        <!--- loop over the number of custom attribute
> fields to find all the audiences --->
>                        <cfset aVal =
>                        <CFSET thisInfo = XmlParse(aVal)>
>                        <CFSET Node_Root = thisInfo.XmlRoot>
>                        <cfif Node_Root.xmltext is "Yes">
>                              <cfset xmlAudience =
> XmlParse([i].custom_attribute[k].attribute_name)>
>                              <cfset category =
> trim(RemoveChars(xmlAudience.XmlRoot.xmltext,1,10))>
>                              <cfif category is "Put On Web">
>                                    <cfset xmlPutCal =
> XmlParse([i].custom_attribute[k].attribute_value)>
>                                    <CFSET xmlPutCal =
> HTMLSafe(xmlPutCal.XmlRoot.xmlText)>
>                                    <br />xmlPutCal:#xmlPutCal#/<br />
>                              <cfelseif category is "Faculty/Staff">
>                                    <cfset myTempCatList =
> listAppend(myTempCatList,"r25_fas")>
>                              <cfelseif category is "Parents/Family">
>                                    <cfset myTempCatList =
> listAppend(myTempCatList,"r25_pf")>
>                              <cfelseif category is "Alumni/Friends">
>                                    <cfset myTempCatList =
> listAppend(myTempCatList,"r25_af")>
>                              <cfelseif category is "Current Students">
>                                    <cfset myTempCatList =
> listAppend(myTempCatList,"r25_cs")>
>                              <cfelseif category is "Athletics">
>                                    <cfset myTempCatList =
> listAppend(myTempCatList,"r25_ath")>
>                              <cfelse>
>                                    <cfset myTempCatList =
> listAppend(myTempCatList,"r25_tbc")>
>                              </cfif>
>                        </cfif>
>                  </cfloop>
> The above code USED to work. Now, however, it chokes at the findOccurrences
> and says custom_attribute doesn't exist. I know the provider of the web
> service changed the query. However, when I pull the file via FireFox, the
> info is there.
> Any help would be welcome! (Anyone out there on 4:30 on a Friday?)
> Here is a snippet of an XML file as generated by R25 web service (as viewed
> in Firefox):
> <r25:events pubdate="2009-02-13T15:55:15-05:00">
> <r25:event id="CBJDMjc1NTc4" crc="00000022" status="est">
> <r25:event_name>5K Run</r25:event_name>
> <r25:start_date>2009-04-20</r25:start_date>
> <r25:end_date>2009-04-20</r25:end_date>
> <r25:event_locator>2008-AAPRRE</r25:event_locator>
> <r25:last_mod_dt>2008-11-10T13:46:59-05:00</r25:last_mod_dt>
> <r25:profile id="CCJDMzk4MDMxCBJDMjc1NTc4" crc="00000022" status="est">
> <r25:profile_id
> xl:href="ev_profile.xml?profile_id=398031">398031</r25:profile_id>
> <r25:profile_description>From 05:30 PM to 07:00 PM on Mon
> Apr/20/2009.</r25:profile_description>
> <r25:init_start_dt>2009-04-20T17:30:00-05:00</r25:init_start_dt>
> <r25:init_end_dt>2009-04-20T19:00:00-05:00</r25:init_end_dt>
> <r25:reservation xl:href="reservation.xml?rsrv_id=2621824"
> id="CRJDMjYyMTgyNA==" crc="00000022" status="est">
> <r25:reservation_id>2621824</r25:reservation_id>
> <r25:reservation_start_dt>2009-04-20T17:30:00-05:00</r25:reservation_start_dt>
> <r25:reservation_end_dt>2009-04-20T19:00:00-05:00</r25:reservation_end_dt>
> <r25:event_start_dt>2009-04-20T17:30:00-05:00</r25:event_start_dt>
> <r25:event_end_dt>2009-04-20T19:00:00-05:00</r25:event_end_dt>
> <r25:pre_event_dt>2009-04-20T17:30:00-05:00</r25:pre_event_dt>
> <r25:post_event_dt>2009-04-20T19:00:00-05:00</r25:post_event_dt>
> <r25:rsrv_comment_id/>
> <r25:rsrv_comments/>
> <r25:space_reservation id="BiJDMTcxMAkSQzI2MjE4MjQ=" crc="00000021"
> status="est">
> <r25:space_id>1710</r25:space_id>
> <r25:space id="BhJDMTcxMA==" crc="00000023" status="est">
> <r25:space_name>OXFORD CAMPUS</r25:space_name>
> <r25:formal_name>Oxford Campus</r25:formal_name>
> <r25:max_capacity>1000</r25:max_capacity>
> <r25:partition_name>Oxford Campus</r25:partition_name>
> </r25:space>
> </r25:space_reservation>
> </r25:reservation>
> </r25:profile>
> <r25:custom_attribute id="CBJDMjc1NTc4BSJDMTEy" crc="00000021"
> status="new">
> <r25:attribute_id>112</r25:attribute_id>
> <r25:attribute_name>Audience: Alumni/Friends</r25:attribute_name>
> <r25:attribute_type>B</r25:attribute_type>
> <r25:attribute_type_name>Boolean</r25:attribute_type_name>
> <r25:attribute_value>Yes</r25:attribute_value>
> </r25:custom_attribute>
> <r25:custom_attribute id="CBJDMjc1NTc4BSJDMTEz" crc="00000021"
> status="new">
> <r25:attribute_id>113</r25:attribute_id>
> <r25:attribute_name>Audience: Athletics</r25:attribute_name>
> <r25:attribute_type>B</r25:attribute_type>
> <r25:attribute_type_name>Boolean</r25:attribute_type_name>
> <r25:attribute_value>Yes</r25:attribute_value>
> </r25:custom_attribute>
> <r25:custom_attribute id="CBJDMjc1NTc4BSJDMTE0" crc="00000021"
> status="new">
> <r25:attribute_id>114</r25:attribute_id>
> <r25:attribute_name>Audience: Current Students</r25:attribute_name>
> <r25:attribute_type>B</r25:attribute_type>
> <r25:attribute_type_name>Boolean</r25:attribute_type_name>
> <r25:attribute_value>Yes</r25:attribute_value>
> </r25:custom_attribute>
> Please direct ALL IT questions to the AskIT form found at:
> Seth Tepfer 770-784-8487
> Director of Administrative Computing, Oxford College
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