Thanks, Ajas.

As for your problem, it's not at all uncommon--and in fact it's a
potentially severe problem that I believe has caused some to abandon CF,
thinking that "it can't scale". What's most tragic about this is that it's a
single check-box that can resolve it, but the default in CF is for it to NOT
be checked. Once you understand what it does and how it works, if you can
turn it off (by checking the checkbox), then it can make all the difference
for some CF shops, and yours seems one well-suited to it.

I won't elaborate with a long note -- this time! :-) -- but I can point
those interested in this to either a (lengthy) blog entry I did or the
recording of a CFMeetup presentation I did that addresses the issue:

I will add, as well, that this is the very sort of problem that I often help
people with in my consulting (whether finding if this is the explanation for
troubles, or once found helping them remediate the problem.) It's a problem
that's not only more widespread than many may realize, but it's also not
well-documented in bringing together the several points that need to be
understood. Sadly, it's hard to communicate all that needs to be understood
in just a couple of bullets, so one either should read/listen to the
resources above or I can help out with a shared session of 15-30 minutes.
More on that at (I hope folks will forgive if that
seems a sales pitch. I simply know no other way to communicate the



From: [] On Behalf Of Ajas Mohammed
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 10:15 PM
Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Ideal memory & Configuration for CF Production


Thanks Charlie and others as well.

Charlie, your long emails are always helpful. Thanks for sharing. :-)

I was looking at client storage tables in the 15 databases we have and the
record count is about 388466 in both CDATA and CGLOBAL. And this count is
pretty much same in *Every* 15 of the databases CDATA, CGLOBAL. I am trying
to find why we have so many records. If the flush is set for 1 hr 7 minutes
by default, then I wonder why we have so many records. I believe we have
client variables to expire if not visited in 2 days or so.

Any thoughts about high number of records in CDATA & CGLOBAL. Can people
share their numbers i.e. record count etc


<Ajas Mohammed />
We cannot become what we need to be, remaining what we are.
No matter what, find a way. Because thats what winners do.
You can't improve what you don't measure.
Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention,
sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents
the wise choice of many alternatives.

On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 7:31 PM, Charlie Arehart <>

Thanks, and to your next observation, I'll note that I do list resources
listing sites using CF in my CF411:




From: [] On Behalf Of Derrick Peavy
Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2010 8:31 PM

Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Ideal memory & Configuration for CF Production


I for one appreciate your efforts!

OT - was asked yesterday during a bus dev call "what is your site built
in/with" that old saw. When I said cold fusion they chuckled. This from a 26
year old. No matter. He asked what other sites are built with CF.  That old
saw. Used to be a list but I am not sure it's kept up anymore.


The one that came to mind was Bank of America, but there are other big ones.



Derrick Peavy



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