
I was looking at httperr logs and I found that I have lot of entries saying
Connection_Dropped DefaultAppPool. We call a third party tool which is COM
object and ColdFusion cfobject is used to create instance of that COM

We have FusionReactor and I looked at code at which it was stuck. It was
stuck at one of calls related to this COM object. I looked at memory etc in
Fusion Reactor and it looked just fine.

I didnt have any option but to restart ColdFusion even though I knew,
ColdFusion is rather stuck at processing X number of requests and is not
taking any more requests.

My thinking is that somehow CF got stuck on this external call for the
current X requests that were running and thats it.

Has anyone seen this Connection_Dropped DefaultAppPool error. I searched on
google and it returns lot of results but I wanted to know if anyone/CFer has
seen this one before.


<Ajas Mohammed />
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sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents
the wise choice of many alternatives.

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