Ajas, I would suspect that the error you see in the httperr file is more a
symptom of the problem, not the cause. The fact that you say you can see in
FR that the requests are hung may mean merely that eventually IIS gives up
waiting for a response from CF. 

But since you say that you see (I'm assuming in the stack trace) that the
requests are hung on a COM call, I would suspect that something's amiss with
that-perhaps the COM object is not responding. This would be one of the
those kinds of CFML operations that put CF in a "native method" which cannot
be interrupted. So yes, if that happens again and again, eventually all your
request threads will be tied up, and (unless you can stop the hanging COM
object) you will have not choice but to restart CF. 

Again, though, that doesn't solve the root problem. You need to determine
what it is about the called COM object that is not working. Sadly, that's
not something that FR can really help you with, other than the stack trace
telling you the exact line of CFML code that the request is hung on. Are you
saying you've got that?



From: ad...@acfug.org [mailto:ad...@acfug.org] On Behalf Of Ajas Mohammed
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 7:00 PM
To: discussion@acfug.org
Subject: [ACFUG Discuss] IIS error log Connection dropped



I was looking at httperr logs and I found that I have lot of entries saying
Connection_Dropped DefaultAppPool. We call a third party tool which is COM
object and ColdFusion cfobject is used to create instance of that COM

We have FusionReactor and I looked at code at which it was stuck. It was
stuck at one of calls related to this COM object. I looked at memory etc in
Fusion Reactor and it looked just fine.

I didnt have any option but to restart ColdFusion even though I knew,
ColdFusion is rather stuck at processing X number of requests and is not
taking any more requests.

My thinking is that somehow CF got stuck on this external call for the
current X requests that were running and thats it.

Has anyone seen this Connection_Dropped DefaultAppPool error. I searched on
google and it returns lot of results but I wanted to know if anyone/CFer has
seen this one before.


<Ajas Mohammed />
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