The code that is causing the issue is a simple insert query,
<cfquery name="new_folder_ka" datasource="#request.DSN#" >
   insert into folder_ka
   (name, Template_ID, Content_Sort_Order, description, created_by, parent,
levels, owner_id, show_disc_links, show_FinancialData_links,
show_InputSheet_links, create_date, last_update,
  <cfif isDefined('form.timeframe') AND Len(Trim(form.timeframe))>
  <cfif isDefined('form.check_email')>
   exclude_Search, exclude_myPage, Next_EmailAlert,
   values ( '#form.folder_ka_name#',
   '#form.Content_Sort_Order#', '#variables.description#',
   #Val(form.parent_id)#, #variables.this_level#,#form.content_manager#,
   <CFIF isDefined('form.show_disc_links')>1<CFELSE>0</CFIF>,
   <CFIF isDefined('form.show_FinancialData_links')>1<CFELSE>0</CFIF>,
   <CFIF isDefined('form.show_InputSheet_links')>1<CFELSE>0</CFIF>,
   getdate(), getdate()
   <cfif isDefined('form.timeframe') AND Len(Trim(form.timeframe))>
   , #form.timeframe#
   <cfif isDefined('form.check_email') AND Len(Trim(form.check_email))>
   , #form.check_email#
   ,<CFIF isDefined('form.exclude_Search')>1<CFELSE>0</CFIF>
   ,<CFIF isDefined('form.exclude_myPage')>1<CFELSE>0</CFIF>
   ,<CFIF isDefined('form.Next_EmailAlert')>1<CFELSE>0</CFIF>
   <cfif IsDefined("form.history")>
   , 1)
   , 0)
It doesn't appear that a stored proc is involved unless maybe there is a
trigger I'm unaware of.  Thoughts?

Thanks again,

On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 2:37 PM, Teddy R. Payne <>wrote:

> Jeff,
> In the SQL Server realm, a cursor is typical of a stored procedure that has
> a loop structure.  Without using while loops and table variables, cursors
> used to be the defacto way to loop over logic in complex stored procedures.
> Teddy R. Payne, ACCFD
> Google Talk -
> On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 2:34 PM, Jeff Howard <> wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> I've got a client that I do some maintenance work for on a VERY old CF
>> site.  They have a CMS that is throwing an error when trying to add
>> content.  The servers have changed, the databases have been updated, the
>> system runs across 3 different servers so I'm not sure where along the way
>> the system "broke"
>> I am getting the following error message on a server running CFMX7 and I
>> believe MSSQL that was recently updated from 2003 to 2005 (possibly 2008):
>>   Error Executing Database Query.
>>  [Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]Could not complete cursor
>> operation because the set options have changed since the cursor was
>> declared.
>> Any ideas on where to begin with this and possible culprits?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Jeff

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