More than likely it is a trigger or something along those lines because that's 
a vanilla insert statement below (that could use some help to avoid some sql 
injection).  Take a look at the folder_ka table to see if there are any 
triggers/constraints on the table

From: [] On Behalf Of Steve Ross
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2011 2:49 PM
Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] help with where to start trouble shooting an error

Export the query to a string and run it in SQL Manager and see what it gives you

On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 2:46 PM, Jeff Howard 
<<>> wrote:
The code that is causing the issue is a simple insert query,
<cfquery name="new_folder_ka" datasource="#request.DSN#" >
   insert into folder_ka
   (name, Template_ID, Content_Sort_Order, description, created_by, parent, 
levels, owner_id, show_disc_links, show_FinancialData_links, 
show_InputSheet_links, create_date, last_update,
  <cfif isDefined('form.timeframe') AND Len(Trim(form.timeframe))>
  <cfif isDefined('form.check_email')>
   exclude_Search, exclude_myPage, Next_EmailAlert,
   values ( '#form.folder_ka_name#',
   '#form.Content_Sort_Order#', '#variables.description#', #variables.user_id#,
   #Val(form.parent_id)#, #variables.this_level#,#form.content_manager#,
   <CFIF isDefined('form.show_disc_links')>1<CFELSE>0</CFIF>,
   <CFIF isDefined('form.show_FinancialData_links')>1<CFELSE>0</CFIF>,
   <CFIF isDefined('form.show_InputSheet_links')>1<CFELSE>0</CFIF>,
   getdate(), getdate()
   <cfif isDefined('form.timeframe') AND Len(Trim(form.timeframe))>
   , #form.timeframe#
   <cfif isDefined('form.check_email') AND Len(Trim(form.check_email))>
   , #form.check_email#
   ,<CFIF isDefined('form.exclude_Search')>1<CFELSE>0</CFIF>
   ,<CFIF isDefined('form.exclude_myPage')>1<CFELSE>0</CFIF>
   ,<CFIF isDefined('form.Next_EmailAlert')>1<CFELSE>0</CFIF>
   <cfif IsDefined("form.history")>
   , 1)
   , 0)
It doesn't appear that a stored proc is involved unless maybe there is a 
trigger I'm unaware of.  Thoughts?

Thanks again,

On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 2:37 PM, Teddy R. Payne 
<<>> wrote:
In the SQL Server realm, a cursor is typical of a stored procedure that has a 
loop structure.  Without using while loops and table variables, cursors used to 
be the defacto way to loop over logic in complex stored procedures.

Teddy R. Payne, ACCFD
Google Talk -<>

On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 2:34 PM, Jeff Howard 
<<>> wrote:
Hey all,

I've got a client that I do some maintenance work for on a VERY old CF site.  
They have a CMS that is throwing an error when trying to add content.  The 
servers have changed, the databases have been updated, the system runs across 3 
different servers so I'm not sure where along the way the system "broke"

I am getting the following error message on a server running CFMX7 and I 
believe MSSQL that was recently updated from 2003 to 2005 (possibly 2008):

Error Executing Database Query.

[Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]Could not complete cursor 
operation because the set options have changed since the cursor was declared.

Any ideas on where to begin with this and possible culprits?

Thanks in advance,

Steve Ross
web application & interface developer
[mobile] (912) 344-8113
[ AIM / Yahoo! : zeriumsteven ] [googleTalk : nowhiding ]


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