Could u not just use cfmail in a global error handler script?

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On Mar 14, 2011, at 5:54 PM, "Matthew Nicholson" 
<> wrote:

> Evening All!
> I’d love your thoughts on a sort of odd-ball problem.
> Here’s the situation:
> I’m attempting to capture all error messages generated from my code and then 
> send an email. I do this by passing all the information into an HTML form and 
> then shooting off a CFMail with all the necessary information in it.
> Here’s the problem:
> During this translation into HTML, text like this;
> Error Executing Database Query. [Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC 
> Driver][SQLServer]The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE 
> constraint "FK_name". The conflict occurred in database "QA-tracker", table 
> "dbo.table", column 'column_id’. 
> The error occurred on line 131.
> truly does a number on the HTML form and escapes out displaying a portion of 
> the error to the users.
> I’ve tried the following to try to clean up this mess but have yet to find a 
> viable solution (or my syntax can be horrendously off… either way)
> HTMLCodeFormat(Error.Diagnostics)
> HTMLEditFormat(Error.Diagnostics)
> Replace(Error.Diagnostics, " "" ", "", "All")
> <CFSET variable = REReplaceNoCase(#Error.Diagnostics#, '[^[:alnum:]]', '', 
> 'all')>
> Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated at this point!
> Thanks!
> Matthew R. Nicholson
> To find what you seek in the road of life, the best proverb of all is that 
> which says: "Leave no stone unturned."
>       ~Edward Bulwer Lytton
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