You could just as easily make the argument that HTML5 is ubiquitous, Flash is 
not.  It's all a matter of perspective.  We look at this through our 
Adobe-centric lens, and we have a preference for Adobe products.  Fine.  I 
think that it's pretty obvious that this is not a purely Adobe event, as well, 
so that argument doesn't hold water.  A telling sign is that almost half the 
sessions were not centered on Adobe technologies.  

NC State has their reasons for choosing Silverlight, just as Netflix did.  My 
guess is, that it's most likely a DRM issue as they use SIlverlight for all 
their Distance Learning platforms, university wide.  

My original point, which I think you're missing Darin, is that it's not fair to 
complain to Dan and the other organizers of an event where they offered free 
recordings (and live streams) of sessions.  Someone offers something for free, 
yet we still find ways to gripe about the delivery method.  

My overreaction to Frank's overreaction is over a simple lack of gratitude for 
free content.  The Conference organizers, and speakers, of which I am one, 
didn't have to agree to make the content available.  We did so of our own good 
will and desire to give back to the community.  

On 20 Sep 2011, at 6:42 AM, Darin Kohles wrote:

> Adobe is ubiquitous, Silverlight is not.
> To choose a restrictive format, and not offer alternatives is a choice to 
> impose technology. If the choice for Silverlight was offered, but not 
> required; then all parties would have access without imposition. If those not 
> familiar with Silverlight chose to adopt it; that would be a choice - not an 
> imposition. 
> To do otherwise? Your reaction to his "overreaction" serves the communities 
> interests no more than you asking the provider to offer multiple formats: 
> which is what I took from Frank's original message. Perhaps they will offer 
> other formats soon. The choice of the original offering not being Adobe 
> accessible, when the conference was about an Adobe product, is petty 'isms' 
> being deployed by the host (or just the person who was in charge of deploying 
> video).
> If the info is hosted by NC State, then the 'culprit lies there; if not, then 
> the other parties mentioned should have supplied a format comfortable to 
> interested parties before imposing their own preference. 
> Or perhaps it was a girlfriends Psychology Master thesis.
> On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 3:02 AM, Andrew <> wrote:
> The site is run by NC State and is not a reflection on, or controlled by Dan 
> or NCDevCon. It's a service that is provided free pf charge to attendees and 
> non attendees alike. You're overreacting a bit on this one.  Let it go and 
> appreciate that the recordings are there.
> ap
> On Sep 20, 2011 4:09 AM, "Frank Moorman" <> wrote:
> > Hi all, I just got back from NCDevCon and I enjoyed it...
> > 
> > Now that I am home, I am suffering a little insomnia so I decide to go and 
> > view
> > a few of the sessions that I missed. I navigate to the NCDevCon website, I 
> > find
> > the link to the taped sessions and I find the one I want to play, only to 
> > find
> > the following message: "Download Microsoft Silverlight" Seriously?!? I went 
> > to a
> > web developer conference, sponsored by Adobe, primarily focused on Adobe
> > products, and to see the taped sessions I need to install Silverlight?!? If 
> > it
> > was flash video, I wouldn't think twice, if it was HTML5 based, I would be
> > impressed; but Silverlight? My brain freezes over at the thought...
> > 
> > Please tell me that I am not the only one to find this unusual...
> > 
> > I did not see a link to comment on the NCDevCon site, but I did fill out a
> > "Contact Us" link on the TACFUG website with a similarly worded comment.
> > 
> > 
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> -- 
> Darin Kohles


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