I would go ahead and make the perm gen 256 or 300MB

I would be surprised if they are throwing the hibernate objects into the perm gen, but it sounds like that may be the case. Can you track the perm gen usage before that app loads in and then after to see if it increases when the hibernate app loads? Just throw in either merlin, fusionreactor or seefusion to see.


On 12/6/11 10:09 PM, Cheyenne Throckmorton wrote:
One of our CF servers keeps needing to have the CF service rebooted on it in order to work and continue serving our sites 1-2x / week. Fortunately we do have a web service on one of the other box that monitors this machine to let us know when it starts bugging out again.

The error I am getting on the server has to do with an out of memory perm gen space issue, something that there is tons of stuff online about but nothing that I've been able to succinctly tell is a good idea to look toward resolving the issue. Here are the errors we get before the service fails.

javax.servlet.ServletException: ROOT CAUSE: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space

12/06 16:24:46 Error [jrpp-3954] - PermGen space The specific sequence of files included or processed is: F:\...................\case-studies\ENDO-enduring-hot-seat-discussion\index.cfm''

12/06 16:24:46 error ROOT CAUSE: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space

javax.servlet.ServletException: ROOT CAUSE: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space

Server: Windows Server 2008 R2 64bit
ColdFusion  9,0,1,274733 Standard
Java Version:  1.6.0_24

JVM Arguments
-server -Dsun.io.useCanonCaches=false -XX:MaxPermSize=192m -XX:+UseParallelGC -Xbatch -Dcoldfusion.rootDir={application.home}/../ -Dcoldfusion.libPath={application.home}/../lib

Despite my attendance of multiple Charlie lectures and/or because of such attendance I certainly do not consider myself an expert in the memory underpinnings of CF. What I do believe is happening through some research and late night testing is that essentially the server stores information (in think in cfclasses) that is essentially compiled java code. It does this to speed the delivery of data generated by CF in a caching like mechanism.

There is a checkmark in the settings that says "Save Class Files" which I suspect would solve the problem if indeed this area is getting overflowed and not properly Garbage Collected (if GC even runs in PermGen). However, unchecking that is not recommended for a production machine, and it would obviously slow down all of the sites. Similarly I've seen posts that say to just increase the MaxPermSize, but I find many posts after those saying that is not solve and just delaying the problem. I'd rather solve the problem.

Additionally, when observing the websites when it is acting up we get a lot of totally blank pages along with 200 OK http response codes. I have also gotten partial pages at times, but that all leads me to some sort of partial template loading until the permgen runs out of memory.

Finally, I don't know that it is a 100% deal, but we have launched a new application on this server that makes use of the new ORM Hibernate functionality. This happened right around the same time we started observing these issues. This was my first shot at ORM within CF and I know I need to go back and re-look at how I have the lazy-loading set up. I have a feeling that it can definitely be tuned better and that it's possible this type of code may make heavy use of the permgen space with dynamically loading data in the way that it works. This heavy banging in the permgen along with an untuned JVM may be the combo that is causing our problems, or maybe I'm way off. Figured I'd throw it out there to group to see what thoughts and solutions might be out there beyond my teams continued googling of words like "permgen", "coldfusion", "hibernate", "orm" and "arehart" :)

- Cheyenne Throckmorton

P.S. Looking forward to seeing folks at Whirlyball tomorrow night.

Cheyenne Throckmorton - Atlanta, GA
Blog      : www.CheyenneJack.com <http://www.CheyenneJack.com>
Twitter   : @cheyennejack
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