Willino and I were just talking about it yesterday and no problems for a
week.  Thats a pretty positive sign.  We have decided to not declare
victory until after the christmas break, particularly since we won't be
monitoring it as closely as during normal work times, which coincidentally
is when we need it to work the most seamless.  Thank you all for your help
and I'll keep you updated particularly if we declare victory over the
break.  Actually, even if it dies once over the break we will be pretty
happy with that too, but so far so good.

On Fri, Dec 9, 2011 at 9:25 AM, Ajas Mohammed <ajash...@gmail.com> wrote:

> How is it looking now? Any more crashes after the changes? I hope not. :-)
> By the way lol@elevator example. That was funny.
> <Ajas Mohammed />
> http://ajashadi.blogspot.com
> We cannot become what we need to be, remaining what we are.
> No matter what, find a way. Because thats what winners do.
> You can't improve what you don't measure.
> Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention,
> sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents
> the wise choice of many alternatives.
> On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 3:14 PM, Cheyenne Throckmorton <
> cheyenne.throckmor...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Fortunately (weird I know) we just had the server crash again this
>> afternoon.  It at least gave me an excuse to throw some new arguments into
>> the jvm.config file to restart the cf service
>> We went with suggestions from everybody and one from a ugtv webcast with
>> Carl Meyer that I've been watching to try and wrap my brain around JVM,
>> memory, permgen stuff.
>> Here are the commands we changed
>> -Xmx1182m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m
>> Here is a command we added since it the machine has 4 cores, we decided
>> to hopefully utilize some multi-threading to improve performance
>> -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4
>> The good thing about the crash was that I have pretty much ruled out any
>> one application being the culprit, as with inspection of several distinct
>> OOM permgen crashes we had different applications running and doing
>> different things.  Over the last month, the hibernate application I think
>> is getting the finger pointed at it, only because I believe it uses the
>> most amount of permgen space with all of its dynamic loading.
>> Perhaps its kind of like always blaming me (at 6'11 340lbs for those who
>> don't know me) for setting off the elevator overloaded alarm because I just
>> so happen to use up the most space, but I could have been on the elevator
>> just fine until 80 little kids jumped on and caused the problem of maxing
>> out the load/space.
>> In that scenario, kicking me off the elevator isn't the solution, and
>> perhaps with these new commands we've just gotten a bigger elevator which
>> may work a little faster even though long-term we may need to investigate
>> putting the hibernate app on a diet.  I will keep monitoring the situation
>> and update everyone as I learn more, for those of you that are just reading
>> to learn in case you run into this and for those or you expert server techs
>> that love peering into the mind of a coder stuck trying to learn server
>> maintenance problems.
>> Cheyenne
>> On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 9:43 AM, Ajas Mohammed <ajash...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On first look, I think you really need to go up on your max memory. On
>>> our servers, which are still on 32bit windows, we have min setting of 512MB
>>> and Max of 1182MB.
>>> # Arguments to VM
>>> java.args=-server -Xmx512m
>>> # Arguments to VM
>>> java.args=-server -Xmx1182m
>>> Having said that, like Charlie says always, its not a final solution to
>>> the problem but in your case I think its a good starting point.Unless you
>>> have some kind of other memory constraints, on this server which I dont
>>> know of, you should go up.
>>> Lot of people say, you should put both the min and max at same setting.
>>> In my case, that didnt work out, hence min at 512MB and Max 1182MB.
>>> About FusionReactor, I have to say there is nothing to learn. You will
>>> grasp in one day. I had written a getting started guide which was posted on
>>> FR community devnet site.
>>> http://www.fusion-reactor.com/community/developers/autodev_detailed.cfm?article=FRS-238I
>>>  am sure they have more updated articles as mine was written at time of
>>> version 3.5.1 but still its a good start.
>>> Let us know if you need help with that. In your case, I would see System
>>> Metrics page, running requests page and also stack trace of the request to
>>> see what is going on.
>>> Others, correct me, if there is anything, I dont mind at all. :-)
>>> <Ajas Mohammed />
>>> http://ajashadi.blogspot.com
>>> We cannot become what we need to be, remaining what we are.
>>> No matter what, find a way. Because thats what winners do.
>>> You can't improve what you don't measure.
>>> Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention,
>>> sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents
>>> the wise choice of many alternatives.
>>> On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 12:01 AM, Cheyenne Throckmorton <
>>> cheyenne.throckmor...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> You guys rock with all kinds of answers, I'll definitely be trying them
>>>> out tomorrow when I have a better brain and before whirly.  Below is my
>>>> JVM.config file.
>>>> Also for others maybe following the thread I found this 1 of 4 article
>>>> by Charlie helpful, but then for Charlie I was trying to find the other
>>>> parts after I had determined that I was indeed getting the outofmemory
>>>> errors in the -out file
>>>> http://www.carehart.org/blog/client/index.cfm/2010/11/3/when_memory_problems_arent_what_they_seem_part_1
>>>> One thing I don't get about the -out files is why -out and -out1 are
>>>> the only current ones and then -out2 seems to be when the server first
>>>> started recording and then they only go to -out200 which was before I
>>>> started seeing this problem.  I see in your article I can make them bigger
>>>> than 200kb, which I may have to do, but it seems weird they stop making at
>>>> 200 and then I essentially only have the latest 400kb in two files
>>>> Ajas good point on the 10-day free trials, we have a copy of one or the
>>>> other that we purchased awhile back, but admittedly in our organization
>>>> Eric Jones was the main server maintenance guy, until he moved on.  He kept
>>>> track of those licenses and servers.  I've been debating which would be
>>>> longer, to find the license and learn the software or fix the problem :)
>>>> Finally, revisiting Charlie's idea to look at the last funky thing
>>>> before the server went down around 16:24 I do see this 2min earlier, and it
>>>> is in the app that utilizes Hibernate, so I'll definitely need to see if I
>>>> have a CFC incorrectly set up as an interface or abstract class java style
>>>> in a way that CF doesn't like and that potentially could be the root of
>>>> this deal.  Unfortunately, since my -out logs don't capture the last outage
>>>> a few days ago I can't compare, but maybe when I try to re-trigger the
>>>> event tomorrow I can get this same result.
>>>> 12/06 16:22:28 Error [jrpp-4004] - Object instantiation exception.An
>>>> exception occurred while instantiating a Java object. The class must not be
>>>> an interface or an abstract class. Error: ''. The specific sequence of
>>>> files included or processed is:
>>>> F:\.........................\webroot\index.cfm, line: 883
>>>> 12/06 16:22:44 Information [scheduler-1] - Session
>>>> 8430f0f809b2ff4d892f6b78787f5d723575 ended on ip . Length: 2:00:01 Active
>>>> sessions: -1
>>>> 12/06 16:22:52 Error [jrpp-4004] - Object instantiation exception.An
>>>> exception occurred while instantiating a Java object. The class must not be
>>>> an interface or an abstract class. Error: ''. The specific sequence of
>>>> files included or processed is: F:\.....................\webroot\index.cfm,
>>>> line: 883
>>>> 12/06 16:22:56 Error [jrpp-4004] - Exception thrown by error-handling
>>>> template:
>>>> 12/06 16:22:59 error ROOT CAUSE: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen
>>>> space
>>>> jvm.config file
>>>> #
>>>> # VM configuration
>>>> #
>>>> java.home=C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.6.0_24/jre
>>>> # Arguments to VM
>>>> java.args=-server -Xmx512m -Dsun.io.useCanonCaches=false
>>>> -XX:MaxPermSize=192m -XX:+UseParallelGC -Xbatch
>>>> -Dcoldfusion.rootDir={application.home}/../
>>>> -Djava.security.policy={application.home}/../lib/coldfusion.policy
>>>> -Djava.security.auth.policy={application.home}/../lib/neo_jaas.policy
>>>> -Dcoldfusion.classPath={application.home}/../lib/updates,{application.home}/../lib,{application.home}/../gateway/lib/,{application.home}/../wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars,{application.home}/../wwwroot/WEB-INF/flex/jars
>>>> -Dcoldfusion.libPath={application.home}/../lib
>>>> #
>>>> # commas will be converted to platform specific separator and the
>>>> result will be passed
>>>> # as -Djava.ext.dirs= to the VM
>>>> java.ext.dirs={jre.home}/lib/ext
>>>> #
>>>> # where to find shared libraries
>>>> java.library.path={application.home}/../lib,{application.home}/../jintegra/bin,{application.home}/../jintegra/bin/international,{application.home}/../lib/oosdk/classes/win
>>>> system.path.first=false
>>>> #
>>>> # set the current working directory - useful for Windows to control
>>>> # the default search path used when loading DLLs since it comes
>>>> # before system directory, windows directory and PATH
>>>> java.user.dir={application.home}/../../lib
>>>> # JVM classpath
>>>> java.class.path={application.home}/servers/lib,{application.home}/../lib/macromedia_drivers.jar,{application.home}/lib/cfmx_mbean.jar,{application.home}/../lib/oosdk/classes,{application.home}/../lib/oosdk/lib,{application.home}/lib
>>>> On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 10:58 PM, Charlie Arehart 
>>>> <char...@carehart.org>wrote:
>>>>> On top of all that’s been said, I’d add this:
>>>>> Yes, it’s likely that you simply need to increase the maxpermsize.
>>>>> Sometimes just another 100-300 can be enough to solve the problem.
>>>>> But you also want to make sure that this is really the **first**
>>>>> error that puts CF into a bad state. It could be that something else
>>>>> precedes it and precipitates it.
>>>>> Look in in the [cf]\runtime\logs\, in its out log for this instance,
>>>>> at the time of your crash, and look back in that log (before the crash) to
>>>>> see if any other errors or unusual messages show up. If you see none for
>>>>> 1-20 minutes before that permgen message, then that alone would seem to be
>>>>> the problem.
>>>>> As to how it could happen, you’re on the right track but not quite
>>>>> right in what you’ve concluded. The saving of class files is not quite
>>>>> connected as you think. That’s about compiling, where the permgen is about
>>>>> loading. CF loads classes into the template cache (and thereby the 
>>>>> permgen,
>>>>> when they’re first requested--and are not in the cache already, or later
>>>>> when it’s no longer in the cache for any reason, including a restart. A
>>>>> class can be removed from the template cache also during the life of the
>>>>> server when the template cache becomes full and it needs to make room for 
>>>>> a
>>>>> more newly requested one, by removing the least recently used one).
>>>>> And CF will obtain that class (to load when needed) either by
>>>>> compiling it from source on the fly, or by pulling it from that cfclasses
>>>>> directory (if you have enabled that “save class files” option in the
>>>>> Admin).
>>>>> So how does the permgen get stressed? Most often by excessive loading
>>>>> of templates into the template cache. Again, when it gets full, it removes
>>>>> the oldest to make room for new ones. How could it get full? Because the
>>>>> number of templates that need to be loaded (CFM files, CFCs,  and indeed a
>>>>> class is created for each METHOD in a CFC) exceeds its size. The default 
>>>>> is
>>>>> 1024. That’s also not a hard cap. There is a soft cache on top of that.
>>>>> If you look in the cfclasses directory, see how many files are there.
>>>>> You might even sort it by date modified and see how many are recently
>>>>> edited. If that number is at or near 1024, it’s likely your app uses lots
>>>>> of files and therefore creates lots of classes, which can then cause this
>>>>> stress. If you increase the size of the template cache, beware that that
>>>>> cache is stored in the heap, so you may need to raise that, too. (Yes,
>>>>> loading things into the template cache then affects both the heap and the
>>>>> permgen, from my observation.)
>>>>> Does that make sense, does that help? You’re right, you don’t find
>>>>> much out there about it. Hope this is helpful. I may blog it once we have
>>>>> some back and forth. (I’ve hinted at this info in some entries, but not
>>>>> devoted one to it.)
>>>>> /charlie
>>>>> *From:* ad...@acfug.org [mailto:ad...@acfug.org] *On Behalf Of *Cheyenne
>>>>> Throckmorton
>>>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, December 06, 2011 10:09 PM
>>>>> *To:* discussion@acfug.org
>>>>> *Subject:* [ACFUG Discuss] PermGen CF Server Memory Errors
>>>>> One of our CF servers keeps needing to have the CF service rebooted on
>>>>> it in order to work and continue serving our sites 1-2x / week.
>>>>>  Fortunately we do have a web service on one of the other box that 
>>>>> monitors
>>>>> this machine to let us know when it starts bugging out again.
>>>>> The error I am getting on the server has to do with an out of memory
>>>>> perm gen space issue, something that there is tons of stuff online about
>>>>> but nothing that I've been able to succinctly tell is a good idea to look
>>>>> toward resolving the issue.  Here are the errors we get before the service
>>>>> fails.
>>>>> javax.servlet.ServletException: ROOT CAUSE:
>>>>> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space
>>>>> 12/06 16:24:46 Error [jrpp-3954] - PermGen space The specific sequence
>>>>> of files included or processed is:
>>>>> F:\...................\case-studies\ENDO-enduring-hot-seat-discussion\index.cfm''
>>>>> 12/06 16:24:46 error ROOT CAUSE: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen
>>>>> space
>>>>> javax.servlet.ServletException: ROOT CAUSE:
>>>>> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space
>>>>> Server: Windows Server 2008 R2 64bit
>>>>> ColdFusion  9,0,1,274733 Standard
>>>>> Java Version:  1.6.0_24
>>>>> RAM 8GB
>>>>> JVM Arguments
>>>>> -server -Dsun.io.useCanonCaches=false -XX:MaxPermSize=192m
>>>>> -XX:+UseParallelGC -Xbatch -Dcoldfusion.rootDir={application.home}/../
>>>>> -Dcoldfusion.libPath={application.home}/../lib
>>>>> Despite my attendance of multiple Charlie lectures and/or because of
>>>>> such attendance I certainly do not consider myself an expert in the memory
>>>>> underpinnings of CF.  What I do believe is happening through some research
>>>>> and late night testing is that essentially the server stores information
>>>>> (in think in cfclasses) that is essentially compiled java code.  It does
>>>>> this to speed the delivery of data generated by CF in a caching like
>>>>> mechanism.
>>>>> There is a checkmark in the settings that says "Save Class Files"
>>>>> which I suspect would solve the problem if indeed this area is getting
>>>>> overflowed and not properly Garbage Collected (if GC even runs in 
>>>>> PermGen).
>>>>>  However, unchecking that is not recommended for a production machine, and
>>>>> it would obviously slow down all of the sites.  Similarly I've seen posts
>>>>> that say to just increase the MaxPermSize, but I find many posts after
>>>>> those saying that is not solve and just delaying the problem.  I'd rather
>>>>> solve the problem.
>>>>> Additionally, when observing the websites when it is acting up we get
>>>>> a lot of totally blank pages along with 200 OK http response codes.  I 
>>>>> have
>>>>> also gotten partial pages at times, but that all leads me to some sort of
>>>>> partial template loading until the permgen runs out of memory.
>>>>> Finally, I don't know that it is a 100% deal, but we have launched a
>>>>> new application on this server that makes use of the new ORM Hibernate
>>>>> functionality.  This happened right around the same time we started
>>>>> observing these issues.  This was my first shot at ORM within CF and I 
>>>>> know
>>>>> I need to go back and re-look at how I have the lazy-loading set up.  I
>>>>> have a feeling that it can definitely be tuned better and that it's
>>>>> possible this type of code may make heavy use of the permgen space with
>>>>> dynamically loading data in the way that it works.  This heavy banging in
>>>>> the permgen along with an untuned JVM may be the combo that is causing our
>>>>> problems, or maybe I'm way off.  Figured I'd throw it out there to group 
>>>>> to
>>>>> see what thoughts and solutions might be out there beyond my teams
>>>>> continued googling of words like "permgen", "coldfusion", "hibernate",
>>>>> "orm" and "arehart" :)
>>>>> - Cheyenne Throckmorton
>>>>> P.S. Looking forward to seeing folks at Whirlyball tomorrow night.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Cheyenne Throckmorton - Atlanta, GA
>>>>> Blog      : www.CheyenneJack.com
>>>>> Twitter   : @cheyennejack
>>>>> Founder : www.AtlantaUserGroups.com
>>>>>                www.TheTallStreetJournal.com
>>>>>                www.MohawksRock.com
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>>>> --
>>>> Cheyenne Throckmorton - Atlanta, GA
>>>> Blog      : www.CheyenneJack.com
>>>> Twitter   : @cheyennejack
>>>> Founder : www.AtlantaUserGroups.com
>>>>                www.TheTallStreetJournal.com
>>>>                www.MohawksRock.com
>> --
>> Cheyenne Throckmorton - Atlanta, GA
>> Blog      : www.CheyenneJack.com
>> Twitter   : @cheyennejack
>> Founder : www.AtlantaUserGroups.com
>>                www.TheTallStreetJournal.com
>>                www.MohawksRock.com

Cheyenne Throckmorton - Atlanta, GA
Blog      : www.CheyenneJack.com
Twitter   : @cheyennejack
Founder : www.AtlantaUserGroups.com

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