correct. I did not find an immediate solution so I reworked the spreadsheet
to avoid the issue.

On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 7:10 AM, Dan Councill <> wrote:

> His solution (for now) was to condense it down to one spreadsheet, so he
> didn't have to deal with 2 spreadsheets in the same document.
> On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 1:50 AM, Forrest C Gilmore <>wrote:
>>  I haven't followed this thread closely, but it's disappointing when one
>> asks for help, gets a lot of it, then finds a solution, and doesn't share
>> it.
>> How can we learn from your efforts, Jeff?
>> Forrest C. Gilmore
>> =============================
>> On 3/27/2014 6:39 PM, Jeff Howard wrote:
>> In an effort to get this done I condensed the template down to 1
>> spreadsheet with the data for the charts located at the bottom for the
>> first sheet. When I complete the migration to a CF10 server I may revisit
>> this but for the time being I found a method to get this to work.
>> On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 11:52 AM, Charlie Arehart 
>> <>wrote:
>>>  Good stuff, Jason.
>>> And I’ll add, Jeff, that there are indeed other options for dealing with
>>> spreadsheets in CFML, and some have been shared by others here. I have a
>>> list of them as a category in my CF411 site:
>>> There may be many more than most realize, and Jeff perhaps another will
>>> work for your particular need if one of these shared so far do not.
>>> /charlie
>>> PS Still looking for clarification on your version and update level, in
>>> case that may well be a problem.
>>> *From:* [] *On Behalf Of *Jason
>>> Delmore
>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, March 18, 2014 12:31 AM
>>> *To:*
>>> *Subject:* Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Re: cfspreadsheet etc. question
>>> I think you are reading the whole sheet in when you use CFSPREADSHEET
>>> and essentially setting the pointer to sheet 2 with the second
>>> CFSPREADSHEET line.  So you are trying to overwrite the existing
>>> spreadsheet with the same objects and CF doesn't like that.
>>> Maybe you should try something like this (I haven't touched
>>> CFSPREADSHEET so I could be way off)
>>> <cfspreadsheet action="read"
>>> src="#application.rootDir#assets\C3d\IgG_Single_Template.xlsm"
>>> name="Patient_Output">
>>> <cfset
>>> SpreadsheetSetCellValue(Patient_Output,patientResults.patientName,7,5)>
>>> <cfset SpreadsheetSetCellValue(Patient_Output,,8,5)>
>>> <cfset
>>> SpreadsheetSetCellValue(Patient_Output,DateFormat(patientResults.patientDOB,"mm/dd/yyyy"),9,5)>
>>> <cfset
>>> SpreadsheetSetCellValue(Patient_Output,DateFormat(patientResults.sampleDate,"mm/dd/yyyy"),10,5)>
>>> <cfset
>>> SpreadsheetSetCellValue(Patient_Output,DateFormat(patientResults.reportDate,"mm/dd/yyyy"),11,5)>
>>> <cfset
>>> SpreadsheetSetCellValue(Patient_Output,,12,5)>
>>> <cfset SpreadsheetSetCellValue(Patient_Output,"link goes here",13,3)>
>>> <cfset SpreadsheetSetActiveSheetNumber(Patient_Output, 2)> <!--- here is
>>> where the magic is... --->
>>> <cfloop from="1" to="20" index="i">
>>>  <cfset SpreadsheetSetCellValue(Patient_Output,".5",2,2)>
>>> </cfloop>
>>> <!--- Write both sheets to the new file. --->
>>> <cfspreadsheet action="write" filename="#theFile#" name="Patient_Output"
>>> overwrite="true">
>>> <!--- Redirect user to the patient spreadsheet. --->
>>> <cflocation url="/C3d/individual_results/#patientResults.lname#.xlsm">
>>> I did CFXL using POI a number of years back.  It's on riaforge.  If
>>> nothing else, looking at the code may give you some inspiration if you
>>> decide to delve into POI.
>>> Best wishes,
>>> Jason
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