Not this one but one of my colleagues had weird issue with form field being
required. He ended up creating 2 fields with different names.

On Friday, April 10, 2015, Jeff Howard <> wrote:

> Has anyone had issues with Chrome starting in the past week not displaying
> the default home/index page?
> The site has worked for years and still works fine in IE and FF but for
> some reason Chrome is just displaying a blank white page when typing in the
> URL as if it does not recognize the default page setting in IIS.
> Anyone else having this issue?
> Thanks in advance,
> Jeff

<Ajas Mohammed />
We cannot become what we need to be, remaining what we are.
No matter what, find a way. Because thats what winners do.
You can't improve what you don't measure.
Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention,
sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents
the wise choice of many alternatives.

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