Jeff, do you mean the default/home page of some acfug site, or are you asking 
if people are having such a problem with other/all sites?

I’ll say that I’ve not seen any such problem. If you’re still having the issue, 
I’d be more inclined to suspect an issue on a particular server’s 
configuration, like the web server. Are you sure there’s been no change there?

Either way, you may want to use your browser’s “developer tools” (all modern 
browsers have them) to view the communications between your client and server. 
You may see something in the transfer of headers, status codes, or content 
which could explain your problem.



From: [] On Behalf Of Jeff Howard
Sent: Friday, April 10, 2015 9:19 PM
Subject: [ACFUG Discuss] has anyone had issues with Chrome lately?


Has anyone had issues with Chrome starting in the past week not displaying the 
default home/index page?


The site has worked for years and still works fine in IE and FF but for some 
reason Chrome is just displaying a blank white page when typing in the URL as 
if it does not recognize the default page setting in IIS.


Anyone else having this issue?


Thanks in advance,


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