Continuing the discussion: As I said below, I very much prefer the look of the 
web interface to the Acro Reader interface if only I can make it simple enough 
to write. I mentioned that there will be 'hundreds' of these little docs (pages 
or PDFs) to deal with. In fact there are exactly 1,388 such docs already 
written as Microsoft Word docx's, easily convertible to PDFs into which the 
media would be embedded later if I go that route. The attached document is 
representative of them: although the number of icons ranges from one to five, 
the general layout is constant: almost always exactly these two rows in the 
table (whose borders would be made invisible).
(As I write this, the attachmentappears at the very bottom of the full e-mail, 
below the copied version of our full conversation up to now.)
I can have my preferred interface if I can find a simple way to convert these 
Word docs (and the many future ones I will write) into HTML that I could easily 
cut and paste into the 'brainjar' code described in my post below. But how? One 
can simply save Word docs as HTML, but so far it looks like the results are 
hugely complicated to sort through and find where I would place the media 
links. What I want if possible is just a simple <table> (with associated 
<tr><td> tags of course) for each doc that I can just place directly into the 
brainjar template (or perhaps one of a small number of templates depending on, 
e.g., the number or icons). 
One idea that occurs to me would be to do screen snaps of the tables in each 
Word doc, store the results to GIFs (or other graphic format) and connect the 
media links to the icons in them in an image map. That way I could see with my 
own eyes which icon is which and where it is. I have virtually no memory of the 
single image map I wrote 20 years ago; the one in the brainjar code (used for 
its window max-min-close buttons) has to know the precise co-ordinates of each 
active part of image; despite the relatively constant general layout of the 
tables in my Word docs, I have sometimes fudged their table-cell boundaries 
Is there some GUI interface I could use to make the image maps? My only 
experience with Dreamweaver (also 20 years ago) showed it to make hugely 
complicated pages; it was so hard to wade through them to make the needed 
tweaks that I switched right away to writing my web pages in a simple text 
editor (later on to Cold Fusion's IDE). But I've heard Dreamweaver has changed 
enormously since then...
Thanks again for your help!

----- Forwarded Message -----
 From: Peyton Todd <>
 To: "" <> 
 Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2016 2:55 PM
 Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Can I Remove the URL from Child Windows?
First, my thanks to everyone for the help so far...
Your answers have shown me that attempts to suppress the location bar in HTML 
windows, even when feasible, are swimming upstream against a strong current, so 
are best avoided.
The 'brainjar' code suggested by sharrison (Steve? Sam?) works beautifully!  
Just about all I had to do was download the GIF images for the window buttons, 
and put a <video> tag containing one of my videos inside the 'client area' of 
one of the windows. If you'd like to see it, download the folder at the Dropbox 
link below and run vindemo.html. Then click on Window 1, which is where I put 
my <video> tag. 

|   |
|   |  |   |   |   |   |   |
| VindemoShared with Dropbox |
|  |
| View on | Preview by Yahoo |
|  |
|   |

Getting all my little icons and descriptions to take the place of the existing 
"Window 1 - Window 2 - Window 3" interface may be a fairly big job, though, 
since they vary a lot in which icons and how many, and in various font changes 
within the descriptions. So I'll be looking into ways to streamline it.
I'll also look into "dialogs" as an alternative.
On balance, though, although I like the look of this HTML+Javascript interface 
much better than the one using PDFs (which overwrites my sub-titles among other 
problems), I have hundreds of these little documents to prepare, and if I 
cannot streamline the process just mentioned, I may have to go with the PDF 
approach after all, since it will combine the WYSIWYG capabilities of Microsoft 
Word and Adobe Acrobat to make each one go much quicker. 
So I'll be looking into the 'security hole' issue I described earlier. As to 
that, Dawn, the problem is not so much with Acrobat itself as with Acrobat 
Reader, since that's what would play the media for end users. Adobe has already 
pulled the rug out from under me once due to security considerations (the 
dangers of legacy media). It's not that I need the media to be file-type 
agnostic for its own sake, but rather that the strange restriction of choices 
presented by the Sound Tool vs. Button interfaces are a red flag suggesting 
that the current capacities my not last forever. To repeat: even though PDFs 
will be around forever, that doesn't mean that what Adobe permits one to do 
with them will be - as my earlier experience has painfully showed me!
I'll let you know how it works out.

      From: Arun Nallan <>
 To:; Peyton Todd <> 
 Sent: Friday, September 9, 2016 10:47 PM
 Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Can I Remove the URL from Child Windows?
Don't think these days there is a way to do that. Due to security, they had 
disabled it. 
 has answered it 

Unfortunately, you have to rely on JavaScript/ CSS way of managing the DIV tags 
hide/ show --> Also, may have to make an AJAX call to the video HTML and render 
the response in the DIV.  But this is not the way you want the solution to be - 
Not sure what other workarounds are available.

Arun Nallan

409 363 0587

On Fri, Sep 9, 2016 at 9:19 AM, Peyton Todd <> wrote:

Hello Everyone,
I, too, amglad to know this list still exists, since I have a question. To 
identifymyself briefly, I’m a former member of the group, now retired, so I no 
longerwrite Cold Fusion code. My question concerns a research project that 
Ipresented to the group a few years ago, when members were asked to 
describetheir work regardless of its relevance to Cold Fusion. The project is 
about thespeech of a hearing child of deaf parents, and I’m hoping one of you 
withknowledge of HTML and Javascript can help me choose between two ways of 
presentingthe data.  I apologizefor the great detail of this post, but I can 
get to my question right awaybefore going into all that detail: Does anyoneknow 
how to make the URL disappear in a child HTML window? If not, then isthere some 
other simple way to get the effect I want? Apparentlythe standard way would 
have been to set location=no when specifying theparameters to the 
command. But that doesn’t work, and I rememberreading somewhere that the W3C 
has decided to disable it. Is there some otherway to make the URL disappear? Or 
maybe an alternate way to get a child window?(I thought of having DIVs that are 
set display=block or display=none, butapparently the user would not be able to 
move them around on the screen (Nodoubt it could be done via buttons that reset 
their left and top properties,but that would not be simple to program, and I 
need the ability for multiplewindows to be open at the same time, which would 
make it even morecomplicated.) Admittedlythis has only to do with aesthetics, 
but I want it to be as pretty as possible! To see whatI have so far, please 
download the little folder at the Dropbox link below, andclick on 
“testvideotag.htm” to test it. (It works in chrome, firefox, opera,and safari, 
but not in internet explorer.) x8guh0m7ll5hrr8/ 
AAAJkZjCRKMv7XSKrL2SGF7sa?dl=0 The otherapproach I’m investigating may not tap 
the expertise of most ACFUGparticipants, but I’ll present it in case anyone has 
a suggestion. It usesPDFs, and if you want to see what it looks like you could 
download the little PDFat this other Dropbox link and run it (“PDF 
Version.pdf”): 9ghu3l5fkfj2t7i/PDF%20Version. 
pdf?dl=0 The PDFversion  doesn’t display the ugly URL, ofcourse, but my fear is 
that Adobe will disable my PDF solution some day – amatter I’ll probably have 
to check with Acrobat experts about, but in caseanyone has ideas about it 
please let me know.  When Idescribe my PDF solution, you’ll see why I fear 
Adobe will disable it: I likemy interface the way it is: little icons that 
don’t take up screen space theway opening video inside the page would (there 
will be many hundreds of these!).And I like my audio icons the way I have them, 
too. If I attach MP3 (i.e. H264)audio to an icon via the sound tool (as in the 
leftmost ‘speaker’ icon in myPDF), it plays, but then the standard Acrobat 
audio interfaces jumps in andtakes over the icon – too small to be operative. 
If I attachthe audio it to a button-icon instead, then everything works 
perfectly (as inthe rightmost ‘speaker’ icon). But here’s what makes me think 
Abobe would someday pull the rug out from under me: with the sound tool, one is 
forced to useH.264 (a WAV file is legacy, and leads to the ‘Do you trust this?’ 
warning –painful when one must open hundreds of these little PDFs. And the 
legacy methodis now blocked over the internet anyway).  But if Iattach sound to 
a button, only WAV files seem available as a choice.Remarkably, MP3s are not 
available for choosing even though they’re in the samefolder as the WAV file. 
So if WAV files are a security hole when using thesound tool (forcing one to 
use H/264 like MP3), why would they not be whenattached to a button? And if 
they are, then Adobe will discover the problem andfix it some day, thus 
disabling the many hundreds of PDFs I will have preparedby then! I 
shouldmention that I have Acrobat 9 Pro Extended, from which no upgrade path is 
available.To buy a new Acrobat Pro DC costs $449. Thanks somuch for any help 
you can provide!


Attachment: 22_495 Blurb.restatement.docx
Description: MS-Word 2007 document

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