
I have finally finished writing some notes on the potential management
and future of SME.

They can be read here (sorry about the awful formatting - it's not my
forté) :


This is an open document for discussion, not specifically a plan in
itself. I have outlined ideas proposed in general as I have heard them
and noted some of the current 'happenings'.

If the thinking meets with general consensus then we can refine things
as we go. But nothing is 'in' right now, and nothing is 'out' either.

It is the time for the community to decide its future, if it wants one....

There is a Google Docs version that I hope Greg will publish, and I will
add a post in the Forums.

Regarding leadership, I am quite happy to lead the project as it stands
at the minute, if people are prepared to support that. I have a thick
skin ;-)

If anyone else would like the job then I am happy to stand aside.

I'd be grateful if people could comment on this accordingly, or any
other candidates for this job (or any other job) please make themselves
known to the community.

One way or another, the project needs to be driven forward, and that
needs someone to hold the whip !

I have no crystal ball, smoke, mirrors or lights. But there are some
brilliant people out there that I have got to know better recently, and
barring a few language difficulties, I believe that this project can go
forward from here with the support of everyone.

Right, I've done my bit for now. The rest is up to you lot !

B. Rgds
John aka reetp
Discussion about project organisation and overall direction
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