On Wed, 13 Feb 2013 22:18:52 +0100, John Crisp wrote:

>> I agree things can be improved, but spoon-feeding like you suggest now
>> IMHO is something else.
> I think the point is that sometimes it is easy to forget just how tricky
> some procedures can be to the uninitiated.

Quite agree, those that use bug trackers, CVS and similar systems in their 
day jobs are very comfortable with them. I'm just a self taught hobbiest as 
far as coding is concerned and being presented with a screen full of fields 
and drop down boxes with labels I barely understand is very daunting.

I'm sure if one of the coder gurus came to help me on my day job on a 
Television Outside Broadcast they'd also feel a little lost and out of their 

The "green trail" probably is going a bit too far but a simplified bugzilla 
interface that only has the essential fields and a brief explanation of what 
each is for would be a great improvement. That "brief explanation" can just 
be a longer field name on the page. Instead of "Description:" use "Describe 
the bug in detail:".


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