On 06/04/13 06:16, Daniel Rose wrote:
> On 06/04/13 09:54, Nuno Rafael Gomes wrote:

>> Do you (Developers, Contributors, Users of SME Server) think we need
>> some kind of formal/legal organization?
>> If Yes, WHY? Please name your reasons.
> Nope. Perhaps for limited liability for the developers/distributors in
> case a BadThing happens, but I don't see any possible way that it helps
> me, except that perhaps the donations might be tax-free.  I can't see
> that as likely, so I don't see how it benefits anyone else.

Couple of reasons, first being that this was what was proposed and
generally agreed by all the major contributors at the beginning of the
year - please read the mailing list archives.

It was agreed that we needed first to have an 'Inc' to make us
look more professional (and protect the rights to SME if we choose), and
then be able to use that to try and drive raising funds.

No money, no honey. If we don't raise at least SOME funds, then SME goes

On an entirely practical basis, an 'Inc' might not do that much. Having
one can't hurt. BUT. Having an 'Inc' does a couple of things

1. We (collectively) have actually ACHIEVED something organisationally
(aside from coding) here and now
2. Sends a signal to others that we CAN agree on something, AND implement it
3. Shows businesses WE mean business.

So far SME/contribs as a collective has done none of these things -
remember the infrastructure and ideas were originally put in place by
other companies

And we need to appeal to businesses. They are the ones making money from
SME, and the ones we need too appeal to, to put something back. They are
also potential sponsors or advertisers etc etc

> My greatest single "thing" with SME is that it's often so hard to get it
> to do things that I regard as "normal" in a Linux system, but it's a
> tradeoff I've been making for over ten years and I haven't made the jump

I am not sure why it is so 'hard'. Perhaps that should be a separate
topic, or add your requirements to the wishlist.....

> away from it yet.  A legal entity is of no relevance to me at all.

A legal entity may have no relevance to you, but you are only one !

It may well have relevance to many others. You need to look on a wider

B. Rgds

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