On 12/22/2014 9:55 PM, Terry Fage wrote:
It autogenerates draft release notes, look under Bug Report, for
initscripts it would be
If it is operational it is not working for me..

If I am ahead of the wave here just tell me to be more patient :-)

Once you can see that draft release note there are some caveats. Due to the limitations of processing the changelog to find the bug numbers, and not always seeing all the RPMs it can fall over in two or more cases.

The Version-Release in the header may not match the RPM string in the bottom 'Updated Packages'. This tends to occur when packages have not all been pushed to smeupdates-testing. So just check that they match. If this was done server side this can be designed out.

The Bug number can be wrong! Devs are only human and sometimes just put the wrong number in the CVS Changelog. In that case you have to correct the release note manually.


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