On September 1, 2017 8:52:13 AM GMT+03:00, Carmen Bianca Bakker 
<carmenbia...@fsfe.org> wrote:
>But I am unequivocally against such programs, on the simple grounds
>it tries to combat discrimination _through_ discrimination, which is
>about as silly to me as trying to achieve world peace through war.  It
>generates envy/antipathy in individuals from groups that are excluded
>from the given list of minorities, and it generates imposter syndrome
>those who are, because they might only be hired/accepted because of
>their status as minority, rather than excelling in their skillset.

I don't see any discrimination here, and in general in any initiative that 
tries to help minorities. Treating these efforts as discrimination means that 
we ignore the fact that we live in a world where not all people have the same 
opportunities and that people of certain gender or color are privileged.

There is a well known comic strip that illustrates that fairly well.

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