Hi Mat,

Mat Witts <ad...@yuj.it> writes:
>> I also cannot comprehend it
> It' easy - one example is some groups object to liberal notions of
> education on the pretext of religious belief.

I used comprehend here differently.  I would argue people have the right
to give up their freedoms, but I don't know why they would from a
theoretical perspective.  From a practical perspective, I understand
that people will give reasons, but I cannot help but feel that those
reasons are misguided.

>> a decision for non-free software can be reversed at any point
> Yes, but if software is 'copyleft', then bringing it back into
> proprietary control is complex.

I don't understand how the two are related.  I was talking about how
someone migh decide for themselves that they want to use proprietary
software X, but they can decide differently at any later point.  I was
not talking about turning Free Software into proprietary software.  I
would not want anyone to do that.

> Proprietary software has to happen, because that's the way international
> copyright law is configured,

Do you mean "has to happen" in the sense of "it is inevitable" or do you
mean it ought to happen?

> I don't like FB, but I do like the rights people have to connect to
> that platform, as misguided as I am sure we agree it is?

I agree, people have and should have the right to connect to services we
deem problematic.  But the original suggestion was not to prevent people
from connecting in any case.  The idea was to write a plugin that people
can voluntarily install and then it would warn them of potentially
harmful practices.  So someone who wants to support the Free Software
movement, but does not know the details yet could use such a plugin to
become more aware of some issues and avoid sending links that other
people might object to.

Happy hacking!
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