On 28/10/2020 23:49, Matthew Garrett wrote:

> The registrant information for danielpocock.com contains an address only 
> around 3 miles from the headquarters of MI6. Not only that, the same 
> address was the registered office for two fradulant companies 
> (https://www.gov.uk/government/news/high-court-orders-six-more-bogus-multi-million-pound-companies-into-liquidation).
> Is it reasonable to conclude that you're operating on behalf of MI6?


My post office box at Melbourne University was less than one meter from
Julian Assange of Wikileaks.  He was living a few hundred meters down
the road.

I spent four years living in St Albans, Herts, where Kim Philby
infamously plundered the MI6 archives.  Did you read his book?

It is always a pleasure to collaborate with my peers in the UK but I
have no respect for those who insult my family.
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