On 22/05/2021 20:06, Danny Spitzberg wrote:
> Whooopps! Sorry, Adrienne, according Godwin's Law
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law> you automatically lost
> the argument : (

As the Wikipedia article explains, outright comparisons to Hitler are
often nonsense but comparing specific behaviors is quite valid.

> Also, it seems to me that unlike many large, widespread, and popular
> social movements with millions of people making history, the Free
> Software cause is like a small secret club with a few dozen individuals
> struggling to be relevant or useful. Am I wrong?

That is what Molly is trying to achieve, yes

Through her complete lack of relevance and ability as a developer, she
brings everybody down with her

To quote Molly's Github profile, "I can't code but I have blue hair"
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