On 23/07/07, Jeff Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Roland Giesler wrote:
> Is it possible to start a VMware or Xen client inside pfSense?
perhaps you've worded that backwards?
assuming so; yes, you can run pfSense inside vmware. doubtful that it
would work in Xen.

No, I didn't word it backwards.  I'm like to build a firewall, that
also hosts a spamfilter / mailserver and maybe some other things.  But
the firewall must be primary or host OS, since part of the object of
having a filewall would be defeated if the firewall is not the primary
point of entry from outside the network, right?

I guess what I'm really asking is, can another program be started and
run from inside pfSense?  Much in the way that I could start something
in FreeBSD?  I suspect the ability to do this is limited by the
confuration of pfSense as it is with m0n0wall.

Alternatively, if I run a debian box for example, and used that as a
Xen host, I could run a VM for pfSense, one for a mail server, another
for a proxy/cache, etc.  but that may be inefficient, since I could
just be running one machine to do that all.  Problem is that then I
would have the very powerful and easy to use interface of pfSense to
run the firewall part and I want that without having to install two



Roland Giesler
Green Tree Systems cc, Stellenbosch, South Africa
Mobile: 072-450-2817   http://www.thegreentree.za.net

Shop online at http://www.digitalplanet.co.za/?AID=497

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