Assuming I ftp at home (don't recall the last time I intentionally did
that!) then ftp works just fine via the primary wan as Chris mentions.
 I think I did have to create a rule for traffic destined to
to use the "default" gateway instead of a load balance pool.  Don't
recall if that's still needed or not but it's still in my ruleset:
 *       LAN net         *       *       *               Use 
routing table
for loopback traffic


On Nov 19, 2007 11:53 AM, Chris Buechler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Robert Schwartz wrote:
> > On 19 Nov 2007 13:25:31 -0000, "Scott Ullrich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
> >
> >
> >     > What is the current status ?
> >
> >     No work has been done on this as of since.   Unfortunately it is not
> >     high on my list so if someone else wants to pick it up and finish up
> >     from where Bill and I left off, please do so.
> >
> >
> >
> > Hi - Is there /any /kind of work around for getting FTP working
> > through a multiwan PFSense setup? Even if it means forcing all FTP
> > traffic out 1 Wan interface with no fail over or load balancing?
> FTP works fine out the primary WAN, just not out any OPT WANs.

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