Almost a year ago, Chris Buechler told me

> In a transparent bridge setup, the gateway of the hosts on the 
> bridge isn't going to be pfsense, it'll be something on the 
> outside interface. If you have a routed subnet setup on an OPT 
> interface this will work fine.

Unfortunately, I have only WAN and LAN. a) Is there a way to set
up a routed subnet via Virtual IPs?

b) assuming yes, how I do that? 

Eugen* Leitl <a href="";>leitl</a>
ICBM: 48.07100, 11.36820
8B29F6BE: 099D 78BA 2FD3 B014 B08A  7779 75B0 2443 8B29 F6BE

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