There are many Israeli organizations which already "saw the light" and
their managers became enthusiastic proponets of OS/Linux, such as
Davidovich Bakery, Israel Aircraft Industries, Hachsharat-HaYishuv
(Maariv), etc.

Chaza"l said "Yoter MiSheHaEgel Rotze Linok - HaParah Rotza Lahanik" -
and people who are involved in organizing conferences can testify that
CIOs and other senior USERS of Linux and/or OS ask the organizers to
let them talk about their own success story. I think that considering
the dangers that were mentioned, this is a brave action, and an award
might be a good idea. It still requires a comparison with other
alternatives for this money (after all, the resources are limited, and
there are too many "good ideas" what to do with them, so being a "good
idea" is not enough, but rather - the *best* idea).

Gבbor Szabף wrote:
> I found this pair of articles with the above title very interesting.
> It basically goes over several issues explaining why clients don't
> talk about OS in their organizations. Something I have experienced
> first hand.
> Back 3 years ago we wrote an article about a local bank that started to
> use Perl in one of their critical applications. While we got approval from
> the lower levels of the organizations we suddenly received a call from
> one of the managers to stop the article from being publicized.
> They did not want to see their name in connection with some Perl
> application even though they got it from IBM, their hardware vendor.
> While these articles explain some of the reasons, it does not say much
> on how can we encourage more organizations to talk about their use
> of Open Source technologies.
> I think one of the reasons people would start to talk about it if it turned
> out to be cool or sexy or modern to use Open Source and by publicizing
> use of Open Source one would get higher evaluation from his/her peers.
> Forming a HaMakor award for the managers who make the move?
> Opening a HaMakor club for manegers who encourage (or allow?) use of
> OS in their organization?
> Gabor

Eli Marmor
CEO, Netmask (El-Mar) Internet Technologies Ltd.
Tel.:   +972-9-766-1020          8 Yad-Harutzim St.
Fax.:   +972-9-766-1314          P.O.B. 7004
Mobile: +972-50-5237338          Kfar-Saba 44641, Israel

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