On Mon, 2005-12-05 at 20:55 +0200, E L wrote:
> She want to resign for whatever personal reason she has. And while I
> didn't always agree with her actions I think 
> she should be respected enough not to claim she want to ruin the
> amuta, after she invested so much time and efford to building and
> improving it. 
> What with you guys always jumping on each other like that? I think
> that ruin the amuta more than anything.
> The fact you don't agree with someone doesn't mean s/he automaticly
> loose your respect.
> Ely

I have my own disagreements with Ely's opinions and I have an issue with
his belief that it is necessary and/or sufficient that Hamakor's formal
organization be modified in order to make it work better.

However, I do respect his caring about the organization by thinking
about it and making suggestions how to make it work better; and I cheer
him for the above response to the mess around Orna Agmon's intention to
                                               --- Omer
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