You are right, I guess we did over discuss it on the list.
I just wanted to make sure people don't confuse it with thinking
that the issue was solved.

I apologize for the heated tone, but as someone who always believed
opensource (yes not free software) as a unify movement. As someone who
saw how people from different nations and religion can work together
for a common goal.. Just thinking of the publicity damage it caused,
now many people will start thinking about open source as a left movement.

Anyhow, it just makes me really sad.


On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 7:37 PM, Shachar Shemesh <s...@hamakor.org.il> wrote:

>  On 11/07/11 19:06, E L wrote:
> So not only decided to ban Israeli academy. But he also banned
> Jewish Israelis and is going to give both lectures for Palestinians?
> Now it's not even political anymore, just plain antisemitic decision on his
> side.
> I think hamakor should send a protest letter to the FSF.
> Please, let's all calm down and not blow this out of proportions.
> The Palestinian boycott, with which RMS decided (wrongfully, IMO) to abide,
> demands that any Israeli institutes that someone speaks at during the same
> tour as speaking in Palestinian ones not only are not academic themselves,
> but actively declare their support for the Palestinian boycott. Yes, this is
> an anti-free speech demand, but since the original boycott is already the
> worst kind of anti-free speech, I can't say how this worse.
> Once that demand was made, RMS's only option (aside from refusing the trip,
> which, right though it would be, he already chose not to) is to only go with
> Israeli institutes that declare their support for the academic boycott. I
> don't know whether the Haifa one did, but the one in Jaffa did (
> http://room404.net/?p=42969). I can assume the Haifa one made a similar
> statement. For obvious reasons, few mainly Jewish organizations would make
> such a statement.
> So, not antisemitism. Just stupidity. willful ignorance and lack of
> consistent principles. Since these are the same stupidity, willful ignorance
> and lack of consistent principles that were already discussed to death, here
> and elsewhere, I suggest we avoid going (this time around) and leave it at
> that.
> Shachar
> Ely
> On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 6:43 PM, Guy Sheffer <guysof...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>  Please forward this around
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Richard Stallman <r...@gnu.org>
>> To: Guy Sheffer <guys...@gmail.com>
>> Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2011 11:19:47 -0400
>> Subject: Talks in Israel
>> I will give two talks in Israel.  Please spread the word.
>> Haifa:
>> Copyright vs Community in the Age of the Computer Networks
>> July 21 at 5pm (sharp).
>> Baladna Youth Club
>> Zion Street 3-A
>> Haifa
>> Tel Aviv area:
>> For a Free Digital Society
>> July 22, 15:00
>> Al Saraya Theater
>> Mifratz Shlomo St. 10 (near the hamam)
>> Ancient Jaffa
>> --
>> Dr Richard Stallman
>> President, Free Software Foundation
>> 51 Franklin St
>> Boston MA 02110
>> USA
>> www.fsf.org  www.gnu.org
>> Skype: No way! That's nonfree (freedom-denying) software.
>>  Use free telephony http://directory.fsf.org/category/tel/
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> Shachar Shemesh
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