מארק-דאון במקום XML? :-)

בכל מקרה, יהיה נחמד אם יהיה מקום לתגובות. אני משתמש בוורדפרס כבר שנים ולא
היו לי איתו בעיות אבטחה, הן נסגרות די מהר כשהן מתגלות. זה לא מדאיג אותי.

On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 2:00 PM, Amir Eldor <amir.el...@gmail.com> wrote:

> שלום לנוכחים,
> אני בטוח שמישהו שמתחזק את האתר של ה־PHP וה־XHTML הסטטיים ישמח לבנות מערכת
> פשוטה לעריכת התכנים. נכון שלומי? :)
> לא בדקתי את התוכנה שאלעד הציע אבל זה נשמע מגניב.
> אמיר
> On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 1:57 PM, Ira Abramov <hama...@ira.abramov.org>wrote:
>> אני חושב שמישהו צודק.
>> On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 1:52 PM, Lior Kaplan <kaplanl...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> אני שמח לראות שאתה שומר על המסורת של לקרוא לי "מישהו".
>>> המטרה במעבר לוורדפרס היא לא טכנית אלה ניהולית - אני רוצה
>>> לאפשר לאנשים שלא מכירים קוד (ולא צריכים להכיר) לעזור בתחזוקת
>>> האתר. ממש לא בא לי להתעסק עם המרה של נתונים למבנה XMLי
>>> כדי שיתאים לתבנית שהאתר דורש.
>>> במקום ש-linux.org.il יכיל את המידע הכי עדכני יש לנו אתר שלא ממש
>>> עומד בדרישה של להוות שער לקהילה ולעסקים בארץ.
>>> ולא ממש איכפת לי אם יקח לעוד עוד שניה לעלות, העיקר שהמידע שיוצג
>>> יהיה רלוונטי.
>>> קפלן
>>> On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 1:37 PM, Shlomi Fish <shlo...@shlomifish.org>wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> recently someone requested me to implement something on
>>>> http://www.linux.org.il/ and after I was distracted and explained the
>>>> fact that
>>>> it is a custom PHP site that parses XML at run-time and converts it to
>>>> HTML,
>>>> and that there is no apparent need why it should be a dynamic site, he
>>>> said he
>>>> thinks he'll just install WordPress there and allow people to edit the
>>>> site.
>>>> I think it's a bad idea. As opposed to WordPress and similar CMSes,
>>>> static XHTML
>>>> sites that are generated from templates have the following advantages:
>>>> 1. They are more secure. WordPress had a very bad track record of
>>>> security
>>>> vulnerabilities in the past, and other PHP (see
>>>> http://www.shlomifish.org/open-source/anti/php/ ) and MySQL (see
>>>> http://www.shlomifish.org/open-source/anti/mysql/ )-based content
>>>> management systems are usually prone to other problems like that.
>>>> Please don't focus exclusively on this point.
>>>> 2. They are much more reliable than a dynamic site. A static XHTML site
>>>> is
>>>> generated from templates which is maintained in a version control system
>>>> (nowadays it can be a distributed one, where every copy has the entire
>>>> history), and can be built and reuploaded at any time. The PHP and
>>>> MySQL CMSes
>>>> tend to get offline (often permanently - see the links I gave) due to
>>>> many
>>>> problems, and then restoring them is incredibly painful. Some MediaWiki
>>>> site
>>>> that are now offline are:
>>>> * http://perl.net.au/
>>>> * http://wiki.perl.org.il/
>>>> * http://wiki.osdc.org.il/
>>>> * http://www.iglu.org.il/wiki/
>>>> 3. They can be made more structured than a CMS that just gives you a
>>>> big HTML
>>>> editing textarea, where you often have to duplicate markup, or in the
>>>> case of
>>>> MediaWiki, something much more vile and unstructured.
>>>> 4. They are faster to load and consume less resources than a
>>>> server-side-scripted CMS.
>>>> --------------------
>>>> Naturally, dynamic CMSes have some advantages such as the ability to add
>>>> user-generated content, and they might be more friendly to laymen, but
>>>> this is
>>>> not relevant to http://www.linux.org.il/ which is a static portal.
>>>> If you're looking for a solution that combines some of the best of both
>>>> worlds
>>>> look at ikiwiki : http://ikiwiki.info/ ;
>>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ikiwiki .
>>>> This is a wiki engine that stores its pages as files in a distributed
>>>> version
>>>> control system.
>>>> Regards,
>>>>         Shlomi Fish
>>>> --
>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Shlomi Fish       http://www.shlomifish.org/
>>>> What does "Zionism" mean? - http://shlom.in/def-zionism
>>>> No one calls Xena the warrior princess “Zeena” to her face and survives.
>>>> Luckily for you, she hasn’t visited the modern day United States yet.
>>>> Please reply to list if it's a mailing list post -
>>>> http://shlom.in/reply .
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