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Date sent:              Fri, 11 Aug 2000 09:38:24 -0400
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:                   John MacDougall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                [INDONESIA-NEWS] AP - Wahid: No New Power for Mega

The Associated Press
Aug 11 2000  8:53AM ET
JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) - After handing the day-to-day running of the
nation to his deputy, Indonesia's president said Friday that
she would have new duties but no new authority.
Abdurrahman Wahid surrendered his domestic administrative duties to his
popular but untested vice president, Megawati Sukarnoputri,
in a speech before lawmakers Wednesday. He tried to clarify his intentions
Friday, saying he will retain authority.
``There's been some misunderstanding about what I said in the assembly,''
Wahid said. ``What I delegate to Megawati is not authority but only duties.''
``The authority is still in the hands of the president,'' he
said, adding that he had spoken to Megawati and she had accepted
his decision.
Megawati's aides, however, have said she wants extra power, including veto
power over Cabinet members.
Wahid's move followed an impeachment threat by legislators. Lawmakers have
criticized the president's administrative style and
the lack of progress in reviving Indonesia's ailing economy.
The legislature began debate on a range of amendments to the
nation's 1945 constitution.
One of the most controversial is a proposal to compel Muslims to follow
Islamic law. About 85 percent of Indonesia's 210 million people are Muslim,
but most practice a moderate version of Islam.
Analysts have said the amendment is almost certain to fail in
the assembly, but warned that if it gains strength in the future it
could prompt Christian-dominated regions to break away from
Another issue is a move to alter the constitution to guarantee a political
role for the armed forces. The military's political power
has been reduced during Wahid's administration.
Legislators say they are now being railroaded by powerful
generals, who are threatening to cause trouble in strife-torn
eastern provinces of Aceh, Maluku and West Papua, unless they are
allowed to retain a political role.
Sectarian violence has claimed nearly 4,000 lives since January
1999 in the Maluku and North Maluku provinces. At least three
people were killed Friday in a religious clash in Ambon.

Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo

* Ijtihad untuk mencerdaskan ajaran Islam yang sekarang ini penuh ketololan, 
kedunguan, kegoblokan dan kebodohan

* Ijtihad untuk memanusiawikan ajaran Islam yang sekarang ini biadab, keji dan nista

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