Sekarang semua orang berteriak bilang  bahwa Megawati itu memang

    Waktu saya yang rajin bilang orang ini geblek di apakabar
    doeloe, saya diserang dari segala penjuru! 

    Nyebelin, punya pikiran bener tapi cepetan dari orang lain! 

Date sent:              Fri, 11 Aug 2000 09:37:05 -0600 (MDT)
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:                [INDONESIA-NEWS] FT - Mega's Moment

> Financial Times (London)
> Friday, August  11, 2000
> Leader [editorial]
> Mega's moment
>     Indonesia's President Abdurrahman Wahid is nothing if not cunning. By
> placing Megawati Sukarnoputri, his vice-president, in charge of the
> day-to-day running of government, he has defused criticism of his
> performance from a hostile parliament. 
>    Her wary response reflects the risk that she would have to carry an
> important part of the blame for any future failings of his administration,
> even though she would still lack real power. Mr Wahid will still be able
> to bypass the cabinet and govern through presidential decrees. 
>    If Mr Wahid calculates that this move will help him secure his grip on
> office, it is unlikely to help Indonesia solve its economic and social
> problems - despite the rupiah's initial rally on the news. Ms Megawati,
> daughter of Indonesia's first president Sukarno, commands a devoted
> following from the public but she has never shown a real conceptual grasp
> of economic and financial issues. Nor has she the administrative drive
> needed in a successful leader. She failed to make an impact in the first
> task allocated her by Mr Wahid, of calming tension in outlying regions. 
>    Indeed the extraordinary passivity that caused her to lose last year's
> presidential election means Indonesia may continue to suffer from lack of
> decision-making in government and momentum in economic reform. Much more
> important for judging the country's prospects will be the shape of the new
> cabinet, on which Mr Wahid has yet to decide. His first cabinet was the
> cumbersome product of political compromise in which the rights of
> patronage were shared out among those who had brought him to power. The
> result has been poorly co-ordinated, weak government and a climate in
> which corruption has been able to flourish unchecked. 
>    It makes sense to appoint a more competent professional team,
> especially to the economic portfolios. But, to be effective, the whole
> process has to be depoliticised. One change that is emerging from Mr
> Wahid's confrontation with parliament is a rapprochement between the two
> largest parties. Ms Megawati's Democratic Party - Struggle and Golkar, the
> party of former president Suharto, have grounds for opposing Mr Wahid, and
> both can now expect a large say in the formation of the new cabinet. 
>    Both are also fundamentally conservative parties that represent the old
> establishment. Indonesia is a striking contrast to South Korea where the
> election of Kim Dae-jung put a real outsider in charge and thus
> facilitated radical reform. Although he stood up to Mr Suharto, even Mr
> Wahid was always an establishment figure. Indonesia stands little chance
> of real recovery as long as its old elite continues to focus on dividing
> the spoils of government among themselves. 

Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo

* Ijtihad untuk mencerdaskan ajaran Islam yang sekarang ini penuh ketololan, 
kedunguan, kegoblokan dan kebodohan

* Ijtihad untuk memanusiawikan ajaran Islam yang sekarang ini biadab, keji dan nista

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