To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
From:                   "Laudate Dominum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date sent:              Wed, 15 Nov 2000 10:19:42 JAVT
Send reply to:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:                [Adil] Fwd: [jewsforjustice] INTERNATIONAL JEWISH RESPONSE TO 

    Saya anggap usaha menyampakan informasi begini akan menolong
    membuka mata orang Islam Indonesia  yang tolol-tolol,
    dungu-dungu, bodoh-bodoh dan goblok-goblok itu bahwa Yahudi itu
    tidak sinonim dengan zionisme. 

    Memang mereka sendiri sebenarnya, sebelum buka bacot tentang
    Yahudi dan Palestina, kudu baca dulu informasi begini, tapi ya
    karena orang Islam itu per definisi pemalas mencari informasi
    sendiri, maka terpulang kepada orang lain juga untuk menutup
    bacot mereka dengan informasi  begini. 

> Assalamu 'alaikum w.w.
> Kebenaran berbahasa universal, keadilan dan kemanusiaan memang tidak bisa 
> dipungkiri bersemayam di lubuk paling dalam dari manusia.
> Berikut adalah fwd-an dari Jews for Justice.
> wassalam,
> Edwin Arifin
> ANU-Canberra
> >Subject: LeftLibertarianism Fw: [change-links] Re: [jewsforjustice] 
> >Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 08:50:23 -0800
> >
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: Jeffrey Blankfort
> >barbara deutsch ; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2000 4:18 AM
> >Subject: [change-links] Re: [jewsforjustice] INTERNATIONAL JEWISH RESPONSE 
> >
> >
> Until and unless, there is a demand for the immediate end to US aid to 
> Israel, and the implementation of international sanctions such as were 
> applied to South Africa, until Israel has fully complied with Res. 242 and 
> 338, as well as 194, which provided for the return of Palestinians displaced 
> in 1948.  This is a campaign which is far too long overdue.
> Short of this, any protests by Jews or other people of good will against 
> Israel's policies will be meaningless, providing the participants with the 
> feeling that they have done something worthwhile, but the Palestinians with 
> even less then they started with, since Israel's gross behavior will 
> continue unabated.
> A number of Israeli scholars, activists, journalists. and one former 
> general, the late Matti Peled, have pointed this fact out through the years, 
> but their calls for the use of economic pressure by the US to bring Israel 
> into line with human decency, has fallen on the deaf ears of American Jews 
> whose commitment for justice for the Palestinians stops at the point where 
> Israel's welfare, as they perceive it, might be
> jeopardized in even the most minimal way. In other words, they haven't been 
> serious and they haven't had the courage to challenge what Prof. Norman 
> Finkelstein as accurately described as "the moral and complete bankruptcy" 
> of the organized American Jewish community. The time for assuaging one's 
> conscience by symbolic, but essentially meaningless actions, such as vigils 
> in front of Israeli consulates, is long past. The question remains 
> unanswered: How far are American Jews willing to go in support of a just 
> solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict?
> Jeff Blankfort
> >barbara deutsch wrote:
> >From: Joel Beinin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 12:48:12 -0800
> >
> >Hi all,
> >
> >This idea has been circulating on several elists.  By now I am aware of 
> >some form of organized Jewish protest against Israeli actions and policies 
> >in France, UK, Canada, Australia, and of course
> >Israel.  We should consider doing something on Dec. 10 in front of the 
> >Israeli Consulate in SF as this letter suggests.
> >
> >Joel Beinin
> >
> >Hello Friends,
> >
> >Over the past several weeks there have been over the internet many
> >responses on the part of the Jewish community to the events that  are  
> >taking place in Palestine.
> >[T]he letter below, written by Moshe Behar, [is one of several, including] 
> >a letter initiated by a group of French Jews, as well as protests organized 
> >on the West Coast of the United States, and in Hartford, Conn.
> >
> >(Many other related events/actions have doubtless taken place and other
> >letters have doubtless been written of which I am not aware [and] apologize 
> >for not mention[ing].)
> >
> >I would like here to propose that we ADOPT AS A STRATEGY the >suggestion of 
> >Moshe Behar.  (I would argue for, in addition to the >text of his letter, a 
> >clear call for a halt to all American and other >aid to Israel . . . due to 
> >the centrality of the role that the United >States plays . .
> >
> >I would like to propose as well as a COURSE OF ACTION following the
> >suggestion of [others] to ORGANIZE PROTESTS, WORLD WIDE, BY JEWS, ON 
> > >DECEMBER 10TH (the United Nations International Day of Human Rights), >TO 
> >(where such entities exist).
> >
> >Producing coordinated and relevant international actions on the part >of 
> >the Jewish community seem[s] essential . . .
> >
> >Thoughts?
> >
> >Jeff Sacks
> >
> >
> >On Tue, 31 Oct 2000, Lucy Mair [forwarded]:
> >
> >Dear critical Jews of various persuasions world wide,
> >
> >We are very diverse and most of us tend to be fairly talmudic in our
> >precise political beliefs: some are anti-Zionists, non-Zionists,
> >post-Zionists or even "left" Zionists; some are Marxists, liberals or  
> >religious, etc. etc. etc.
> >
> >It is my opinion that if we seriously want to be politically effective -- 
> >rather than being self congratulatory and purist political narcissists --
> >then we should adopt an initial brief statement along the lines attached
> >below.  I say this despite my full awareness that the text is fairly
> >moderate (for example, it leaves aside for the present time other important 
> >UN resolutions).
> >
> >If we want to (1) launch a POLITICALLY EFFECTIVE WORLD WIDE JEWISH critique 
> >of the recent actions by Israel and its Zionist Jewish supporters world 
> >wide and if we want to (2) manage to gather, > reach and mobilize MANY 
> >Jewish individuals world-wide that are otherwise heterogeneous -- then we 
> >should
> >perhaps adhere to a politically-dignified unifying minimum which is 
> >something like the attached.
> >
> >I thank you for considering this statement kindly.
> >
> >Moshe
> >
> >Please forward to relevant critical Jewish constituencies
> >
> >##############################
> >
> >Implement UN Resolution 242 Immediately
> >
> >The opening article of the DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES signed by Israel and 
> >the Palestinian Delegation
> >on September 13, 1993 stated clearly that "The aim of the
> >Israeli-Palestinian negotiations ... is ... to establish
> >a Palestinian Interim Self-Government ... for a transitional period not 
> >exceeding five years, leading to a
> >permanent settlement based on Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338."
> >
> >Resolution 242 of November 22, 1967 "emphasized the inadmissibility of the 
> >acquisition of territory by force"
> >and "affirmed the Principle of Withdrawal of Israeli forces from 
> >territories occupied in the recent [1967] conflict."
> >
> >As Jews, we are gravely saddened to declare unreservedly that as long as 
> >the Israeli government does not fulfill
> >the above obligations we hold it fully responsible for the unnecessary 
> >endangerment of not only our own families
> >but of all Israelis and Palestinians.
> >
> >Only full implementation of UN Resolution 242 can lead the region to peace. 
> >Those who ignore, or disrespect,
> >International Law are guilty of sabotaging the historical and contemporary 
> >Jewish cause world-wide.
> >
> >Moshe Behar, Israeli citizen (email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> >
> >
> >
> >Lucy Mair
> >International Program Associate
> >Center for Economic and Social Rights (CESR)
> >162 Montague Street, 2nd floor
> >Brooklyn, NY 11201
> >Phone:  (718) 237-9145, ext. 18
> >Fax:  (718) 237-9147
> >Website:  <>
> >
> >Joel Beinin Professor of Middle East History Department of History Stanford 
> >University Stanford, CA 94305-2024 650-723-4956 -T 650-725-0597
> >
> >Barbara Deutsch
> >1919 19th Street
> >San Francisco 94107
> >ph 415 641-7538
> >facs   550-1470
> >
> >
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