Erik Streb del Toro <mail <at>> writes:

> Hello Jameson.
> Jameson Quinn schrieb am 18.03.2013 16:24:
> >           - That means it's usable internationally, not just 
> > German/English. 
> >           For instance, there's easy access to "ç", "ñ", "¿", and similar 
> >           characters, and even things like "ð" and "ž" are available.
> All of those characters are as easy as on your keyboard. With dead keys.
> Neo has three dead keys (called T1, T2, T3). All accents except the ones
> only used in Vietnamese language are easy accessible with those three
> dead keys.

OK, you're right. Qwpr still has better access to unicode symbols (☃☜⚣ℱ...) 
but I now see that Neo has full international support.

I also agree that Neo's "Ebene 4" is more complete than Qwpr's cursor keys.

So Neo has several relative advantages, and Qwpr fewer. Still, for those who
do not type in German; and want an easy learning curve from QWERTY; 
and/or have an American-style keyboard without a <> key, Qwpr remains 
a viable option.

At any rate, I was posting on this forum mostly to share the small tricks
I'd figured out for pkl, and to ask if Neo could include a link to Qwpr in
"Andere Tastaturbelegungen" 


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