I have a display:table in my selection list that displays in an IFrame after
the user clicks on a button beside a field in the parent window.  The
display:table is built up dynamically from a pre-prepared
displayListDescriptor which has a list of column descriptors (i.e. my JSP
iterates each columnDescriptor item in my

I want data from the table row selected to be returned to (potentially
multiple) fields on the parent screen.

Attributes of my Spring Web MVC command object specify:
- which column will be the "link column" so when
command.linkField==columnDescriptor.name, I try to do a href with
onclick="javascript:populate_parent(XXX)" - where XXX would somehow indicate
what value should be assigned to which field
- a returnValueAssignmentPattern (e.g.
where the left-hand-side of each assignment represents a field on the parent
object & the right-hand-side of each assignment represents a field on the
object that's being listed in my table.

I assign value="${model.objectsList.list[selection_rowNum-1]}" to a
"tableRow" var  (table id="selection")

Previously this was only trying to return the value from the single selected
column - so returnValueAssignmentPattern would have been simply
parentUserId=userId & XXX was the value of the column
${tableRow[columnDescriptor.name]} - userId column in this example.

I am now trying to populate n fields on the parent screen from values in
different columns in the row.  I thought I'd try to call the javascript with
onclick="javascript:populate_parent('${returnAssignmentsStr}') where the the
returnAssignmentsStr parameter to the populate_parent() javascript function
looks something like 

Remember my returnValueAssignmentPattern is

Fields on the object being listed in the table would be 
- userId=CrazyDude
- name=Crazy Dude
- someOtherField=SomeOtherValue" 

I haven't been able to make this work though...

I may need to use Decorators rather than try to do it in the JSP
- I can't use ColumnDecorator as I need information from other columns in
the row.  
- I can't work out how to use a TableDecorator though as examples I see (for
example, on
expect that I know the name of the column (date, money etc. in example I
link) & know the object type and write, for example, getDate() or getMoney()
methods that call getCurrentRowObject() & do stuff (knowing what the object
class is).  My decorated object could be any of a User DTO, a Product DTO or
any other DTOs in our system - I could probably work something out using
reflection but I feel as though that's going in circles as User.userId was
already easily accessible to me in the JSP by simply saying
${tableRow['userId']}).  I've tried some c:forEach looping in the JSP but
don't think I can get it to work in the scope of the display:column tag. 

I note that the TableDecorator init takes (PageContext context, Object
decorated, TableModel tableModel) params so there may be something useful I
can do in with PageContext etc.  Can I get the object info in a map so I can
still say tableRow['userId'] / tableRow[someColName] & not have to work with
the full object?  Thing is that I'm relatively new to JSP/Servlet stuff
(less than a year) & even newer to displaytag library so am not very well
versed in what my options are. 

Has anyone written any decorators / tags etc. to solve problems along these
lines?  Or am I missing something obvious about how this sort of thing
should be done? Nothing would surprise me!

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