tstronge wrote:
> Hi Ed
> I explored the option of "another column that's always there" yesterday so I
> could have a getMagic() - to use Ed's terminology - method in a
> TableDecorator but hit a couple of problems with it:
> - The empty column always displayed in the list 
It wouldn't be an empty column it'd be a column with a link like this in it:

<a href="#" class="DATA-LINK" 
onclick="javascript:populate_parent('name=Crazy;code=crazy')">Click Me</a>

> - I'd be slapped across the knuckles about "magic" not being a property of
> the bean.  Is it possible to put a non-object field as a column in a
> displaytag table?
Absolutely. If you're using a TableDecorator you can use a 
<display:column property="madeUpValue"/> tag as long as your decorator 
has a public String getMadeUpValue() method. DisplayTag will look in 
your decorator for the property and only if it cannot find one there 
will it go on to look for it in the data Object itself. This is useful 
if you want to concatenate two of your object's fields into one table 
column or carry out some other manipulation of the object's data before 


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