Remove the <t:commandLink></t:commandLink> to leave just the word Edit. 
Does Edit now display in each row? 

The "Edit" word is displayed correctly
If it does then your problem is with
the <t:*> library whatever that might be. At first glance there does not 
seem to be enough information in the commandLink tag to form a 
satisfactory link anyway.

t is for tomahawk
<%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="t"%>

that problem is faced using and:
<%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="h"%>

Is a bit understandable... or is bug?

> Having that situation:
> <h:dataTable var="foo" value="#{customerResearchBean.researchResults}" 
> style="display:none" />
> <display:table id="researchResultsList"    
> name="requestScope.customerResearchBean.researchResults" 
>                    export="true"
>                    class="dataTable" pagesize="5" cellspacing="0"
>                    decorator="it...CustomerTableWrapper">
> <display:column property="name" title="Name" sortable="true" />
> <display:column property="country" title="Country" sortable="true" />
> <display:column property="city" title="City" sortable="true" />
> <display:column   title="${bundle.customer_research_field_label_actions}">
>    <t:commandLink id="edit">Edit</t:commandLink>
> </display:column>
> </display:table>

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