
I just started using displaytag and this mailing list.  I'm getting a massive 
headache trying to get External paging/sorting working.  It seems to make sense 
in the documentation, but I'm getting the following error from my jsp page:
Caused by: javax.servlet.jsp.JspTagException: You must specify one of the 
following: size        at 
org.displaytag.tags.TableTag.initParameters(TableTag.java:966)        at 
org.displaytag.tags.TableTag.doStartTag(TableTag.java:722)        at 

I am specifying that parameter, but it doesn't seem to recognize it.  (This was 
working fine before I tried to use external paging with partial lists) Here is 
my table tag on the offending line of jsp code:
 <display:table name="results.list" id="txResults" sort="external" 
defaultsort="1" export="true" pagesize="5" requestURI="" partialList="true" 

I've tried many different things including different expressions for size, and 
as in this example, just hard coding the correct value also changing the order 
of the attributes.

I've also looked at the source code and the mailing list archives without 
solving the problem.  This dead thread seems to show the same unresolved issue:


The author of that thread gave up :-(  to implement it themselves.

The line of code in the displaytag source where it is failing is 

I've copied that line and the surrounding code below but I can't figure out 
anything from it.

Please help me or I fear I will suffer the same fate as the previous poster and 
have to abandon use of displaytag entirely.

- Peter


        // if we are doing partialLists then ensure we have our *) object       
 if (this.partialList)        {            if ((this.sizeObjectName == null) && 
(this.size == null))            {                // ?            }            
if (this.sizeObjectName != null)            {                // retrieve the 
object from scope                this.size = 
evaluateExpression(this.sizeObjectName);            }            if (size == 
null)            {                throw new 
JspTagException(Messages.getString("MissingAttributeException.msg", new 
Object[]{"size"}));   // THIS IS WHERE THE EXCEPTION COMES FROM!!!            } 
           else if (!(size instanceof Integer))            {                
throw new JspTagException(Messages.getString(                    
"InvalidTypeException.msg",                    new Object[]{"size", 
"Integer"}));            }        }


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