Thanks Ed,

              Column part i changed as you said suggested in the mail, but
still i am not sure how to apply the styles to the table, ( especially when
i executed this, initially it is showing one font, as when i click on 2,3,,previous etc pages, it is changing the entire page styles and font.

    How to avoid this, can you please send me code what to write in the
display:table tag, so that these will not affect the entire jsp page.

  Can you please help me with code, to solve this problem. As you suggested
for display:column.

 Many thanks for your reply, as i strucked up here since several days, This
functionality is very very crucial for my application.

Thanks & Regards

On 1/23/08, Ed Webb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> yagna prasad wrote:
> > I am sorry Ed,
> >
> So am I. I don't think you've quite understood how DisplayTag works:
> From your code:
> <display:table name="pageScope.partList" pagesize="6" uid="partlistdata"
> style="css/displaytagex.css">
> <td align="right" class="label" nowrap width="10%">
> <display:column class='ez1'>
> <% String strPartKeyId =
> (String)((((SearchDTO)pageContext.getAttribute("partlistdata"))).getPartKeyId());
> System.out.println("------ value of partkey id----"+strPartKeyId);
> %>
> <input type="radio" name="statusID" value='<%= strPartKeyId %>'
> onclick="javascript:callURL('<%= strPartKeyId %>')"/>
> </display:column>
> </td>
> You've unnecessarily wrapped each display:column in its own <td> which
> isn't necessary and who know what it will actually output! The style
> attribute of the display:table tag is a pass through attribute for the
> html table style attribute which is expecting style information
> (style="color: #000000; background-color: #ffffff;") NOT a file name.
> Then you are (I think) using a scriptlet to try to extract the part key
> id from the partlistdata object which can be done with expression
> language (post JSP 2.0) ${partlistdata.strPartKeyId} or <jsp:getProperty
> name="partlistdata" property="strPartKeyId"/> (pre JSP 2.0).
> Tidied up the first column of your display:table becomes:
> <display:table name="pageScope.partList" pagesize="6" uid="partlistdata">
> <display:column class='ez1'>
> ------ value of partkey id----${partlistdata.strPartKeyId}
> <input type="radio" name="statusID" value='${partlistdata.strPartKeyId}'
> onclick="javascript:callURL('${partlistdata.strPartKeyId}')"/>
> </display:column>
> Back to your original css problem:
> Have a look at the generated html and see if it looks correct (send it
> to the list and we'll look at it). If the css is working initially but
> not when you change page look at the url you first request and compare
> it to the second url. If the second is different:
> first:
> second:
> then your stylesheet link:
> <LINK REL="StyleSheet" HREF="./theme/CLstyle.css" type="text/css">
> is looking for in the first case but
> in the second.
> Ed!
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