I think this should get you close, but you'll have to do some
experimentation and testing.  Set the properties for your display table to
something like:

paging.banner.full=<span class="pagelinks"><form action="...">[<a
href="{1}">First</a> <a href="2">Prev</a>] <select name="page">{0}</select>
[<a href="{3}">Next</a> <a href="{4}">Last</a>]</form></span>
paging.banner.selected=<option value="{0}" selected>{0}</option>
paging.banner.page.link=<option value="{0}">{0}</option>

That should build a select box with at most 100 pages in it.  I'm not sure
what the form action reference should be.  You might be able to do it
without the form, but using an onchange handler on the <select> tag as well.

On Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 3:33 AM, sriram purushothaman <

> Dear All
> As you know that in general the pagination in displaytag will display like
> *[First/Prev] 1,2,3,4...[Next/Last].*
> But i want to display the *pagination numbers in a comboBox*.yes all the
> pagenumbers from *1 to N will be listed in drop down* combobox.While i am
> *selecting* the respective numbers from the combobox list its need to
> display the exact page with specified number of records....
> This is my issue...I am struggling to move forward.Kindly reply me at your
> earliest convienience...Thanks for your time.Waiting for your reply.
> --
> --
> Thanks and Regards,
> Sriram P
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