
I see what you saying, but how does the script

> <script
> type="text/javascript">addRowHandlersConnexion("userList",0);</script>

gets invoked, on the onmouseOver() event, because apparently I found that I
cannot write the onmouseOver() function in the display:column tag, it fails.
How did you capture that in your code?
On 2/18/08, David Pilato <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As Ed wrote you, you must control it yourself instead of let the browser
> do
> the job.
> So use a javascript like :
> // Adds onmouseover, onmouseout, and onclick handlers to each table row.
> The onmouseover handler changes the row's class attribute to
> // rowMouseOver.  The onmouseout handler changes it back.  The onclick
> function makes a request for the specified url, including the
> // innerHTML of the specified column as a request parameter.
> function addRowHandlersConnexion(tableId, columnIndex) {
>     var previousClass = null;
>     var table = document.getElementById(tableId);
>       if (table) {
>           var rows = table.getElementsByTagName("tr");
>           for (i = 1; i < rows.length; i++) {
>               rows[i].onmouseover = function () {
>                         previousClass = this.className;
>                  this.className = this.className + " hover";
>                         this.style.cursor="hand";
>               };
>               rows[i].onmouseout = function () {
>                         this.className = previousClass;
>                         this.style.cursor="";
>               };
>               rows[i].onclick = function () {
>                         var cell =
> this.getElementsByTagName("td")[columnIndex];
>                         var ident = cell.innerHTML;
>                     detailAgent(ident);
>               };
>           }
>       }
> }
> </script>
> <display:table id="userList" name="userList" sort="list"
> requestURI="/exploitation/AfficherUserListAction.action" class="dataTable"
> defaultsort="2" pagesize="50">
>       <display:column property="login" class="hidden"
> headerClass="hidden"/>
>       <display:column property="nomComplet" title="Nom et Prénom"
> sortable="true"/>
>       <display:column property="libelleentite" title="Bureau"
> sortable="true" />
>       <display:column property="nbConnectionSource" title="Nb postes
> connectés" sortable="true" />
>       <display:column property="remoteAdresses" title="Connexion à partir
> de" />
> </display:table>
> <script
> type="text/javascript">addRowHandlersConnexion("userList",0);</script>
> You will have to modify the javascript code to do the job you want. I use
> this javascript to have a rollover over columns (using css styles).
> Hope this helps,
> David.
> ________________________________________
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sameer
> Nanda
> Sent: dimanche 17 février 2008 21:47
> To: displaytag-user@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Re: [displaytag-user] How to change timer for tooltip
> indisplay:colum
> I havent found a solution to this issue. Has anyone tried doing this and
> got
> any answers? Any help is greatly appreciated !!!
> On 2/14/08, Sameer Nanda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there not a attribute which I can specify for the timeout in the
> display:column that I can set how long do I want my tooltip to appear?
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