On  8 Oct 2003, Dag Wieers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 8 Oct 2003, Martin Pool wrote:
> >     * The graphical monitor can now be configured with either
> >       libraries are not used.  In both cases the resulting program is
> >       called distccmon-gnome and the functional differences are fairly
> >       small.
> The shipped desktop file gives the following problem for me:
>       # desktop-file-install --vendor gnome --add-category X-Red-Hat-Base --dir 
> /var/tmp/root-distcc-2.11.1/usr/share/applications gnome/distccmon-gnome.desktop
>       Error on file "gnome/distccmon-gnome.desktop": Error in section Desktop 
>       Entry at line 6: Invalid characters in key name
> It seems that (at least my) desktop-file-install doesn't like key names 
> with a space in them (Generic Name).

That was taken from the freedesktop.org specification, which also says
to use 0, not 'false'.  I suppose your system is using an older

> Also, is there a reason why the .desktop file isn't installed in 
> $(datadir)/applications/ (and the icon in $(datadir)/pixmaps/) ?
> My package is now doing that manually.

I wasn't sure where that was specified.  Do you have a reference for

> I would also change the .desktop file to the following:
>       [Desktop Entry]
>       Name=Distcc Monitor
>       Comment=Graphical view of distributed compile tasks
>       Exec=distccmon-gnome
>       Icon=distccmon-gnome-icon.png
>       Terminal=false
>       Type=Application
>       Categories=GNOME;Application;Development;
>       StartupNotify=true
> Unless some of the other key names offers functionality that I'm not aware 
> of. I'd like the menu-entries uppercase, as this is common practice for 
> Gnome.

I'd rather not.  

> My package is using the above .desktop file currently because of the 
> desktop-file-install problem.
> Thanks in advance,
> [Any errors in spelling, tact or fact are transmission errors]
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