On 13 Oct 2003, Dag Wieers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>                                          the "GenericName" field.
>                                          field to the "Name" field.
> I guess it should be GenericName instead of Generic Name.

My mistake.  I think I copied from some other app which must have been

> > > I would also change the .desktop file to the following:
> > > 
> > >   [Desktop Entry]
> > >   Name=Distcc Monitor
> > >   Comment=Graphical view of distributed compile tasks
> > >   Exec=distccmon-gnome
> > >   Icon=distccmon-gnome-icon.png
> > >   Terminal=false
> > >   Type=Application
> > >   Categories=GNOME;Application;Development;
> > >   StartupNotify=true
> > > 
> > > Unless some of the other key names offers functionality that I'm not aware 
> > > of. I'd like the menu-entries uppercase, as this is common practice for 
> > > Gnome.
> > 
> > I'd rather not.  

I see you dropped the TryExec, Encoding, and Version fields.  Why is

> Ok, it's just that I think that's common practice in Gnome to have the 
> menu entries to start uppercase. 

The correct name is "distcc".  The name is case-sensitive, just as for

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