Hello all, this mail is mainly directed to those of you who are developing on Mac OSX with compiling help from distcc. Most of you are probably aware of Apples new IDE XCode that will replace Project Builder which includes distcc for distributed builds. What many might not know is that Apple has added zeroconf, aka. rendezvous on the Mac, to this distcc version which is a really nice feature to a already superb program.

Now, my real intent with this message was only to let those developers who will use distcc zeroconf, be it Apples version or a variant there of, know of a OSX screen saver I created for this purpose. The screen saver will start/stop distcc whenever the saver is running and works really well in a environment with many of developers. You can even run your favorite screen saver from within the distcc saver. :)

The saver is BSD licensed and source will hopefully be released shortly aswell. Comments and ideas are welcome!

Screenshot and downloads are at http://www.popwire.com/distccsaver/.

Martin Akesson
Software Engineer
Popwire Technology

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