On 29 Oct 2003, Benjamin Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >Hello all, this mail is mainly directed to those of you who are 
> >developing on Mac OSX with compiling help from distcc.  Most of you are 
> >probably aware of Apples new IDE XCode that will replace Project Builder 
> >which includes distcc for distributed builds.  What many might not know 
> >is that Apple has added zeroconf, aka. rendezvous on the Mac, to this 
> >distcc version which is a really nice feature to a already superb program.

Can someone with a Mac tell me: are Apple complying with their
obligations for the GPL?  In particular, making sure that people
who use the program understand that the program is free software? 

I have no reason to think that they're not, except that there seems to
be a lot of confusion among XCode users about whether it is the same
as distcc or not.  If Apple are disclosing properly then it should be

> The changes are pretty significant, I'd hoped to merge them into 2.11.2 
> for the Fink package, so we'd play nice with apple's xcode distcc, but I 
> don't understand the changes enough to feel comfortable merging them in...
> Are there plans to have the zeroconf code get back into the upstream 
> version?

Ideally Apple would present their patches so that they can go back
into the mainstream and there is no needless forking...

                               linux.conf.au -- Adelaide, January 2004
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