0. What version of distcc are you using? 

On all boxes
distcc 2.10 i686-pc-linux-gnu (protocols 1 and 2) (default port 3632)
  built Aug 25 2003 15:45:25
gcc version 3.2.3

1. Your name and email address: 

Edoardo Costa

2. OK to publish this? 


3. Your codebase: lines of code (by wc -l), and language: 

vanilla linux kernel 2.6.4

4. Your machines: number, OS, processor, memory, network connectivity: 

3 machines:
        Kernel 2.6.4
        Pentium 66 MHz / 32 MB RAM
        100 Mbit LAN

        blah (laptop)
        Kernel 2.4.24
        Pentium III 1000 MHz / 512 MB
        100 Mbit LAN

        Kernel 2.6.4
        Pentium III 900 MHz / 512 MB
        100 Mbit LAN

5. Time to compile, with and without distcc: 

on victim (P66)
without:        248 Minutes
with   :        115 Minutes     

make clean && make dep && time make -j6 CC=distcc

6. Any other observations: 

half the time!  What more can I say?  Thanks for all your work.  distcc rulz!
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